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CB29 - Bachelor of Oral Health


Optional Residential School

Some units in this course require you to attend an optional Residential School or Work Integrated Learning. Please see Course Features in the Getting Started tab for further information.

Course Overview

Bachelor of Oral Health  graduates will be able to apply to the Dental Board of Australia for registration as an oral health therapist, or a dental therapist and a dental hygienist. They will be able to perform preventive and operative dentistry for patients across the lifespan in general and specialist dental practices within Australia. Graduates are also able to educate and promote oral health in small group and community settings.

Career Information

Graduates will be able to apply for registration to work as an oral health therapist in general and specialist dental practices within Australia. They will be able to perform preventive and operative dentistry for patients across the lifespan. Graduates are also able to educate and promote oral health in small group and community settings.

Course Details
Duration 3 years full-time
Credit Points that Must be Earned No information available at this time
Number of Units Required CQUniversity uses the concept of credits to express the amount of study required for a particular course and individual units. The number of units varies between courses. Units in undergraduate courses normally consist of 6 points of credit or multiples thereof (e.g. 12, 18, 24).
Expected Hours of Study Each unit at this level, typically requires 144 hours of student commitment over a period of 12 weeks.
Course Type Undergraduate Award
Qualification (post nominal) B
AQF Level Level 7: Bachelor Degree
Course Fees
Indicative Year - 2025
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $12,749
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $42,385.5
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $20,640
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $40,500
Indicative Year - 2024
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $12,248
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $40,708.5
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $19,140
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $38,820
Indicative Year - 2023
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $11,800
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $18,000
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $36,720
Indicative Year - 2022
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $10,131
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $18,000
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $36,720

Admission Codes

Domestic Students
Tertiary Admission Centre Codes (TAC) Codes
International Students
Where and when can I start?
Units offered internally at the below campuses may be delivered using a combination of face-to-face and video conferencing style teaching.
Units offered via MIX mode are delivered online and require compulsory attendance of site-specific learning activities such as on-campus residential schools, placements and/or work integrated learning. See Course Features tab for further information. Online units are delivered using online resources only.
Please Click Here for more information.
The following tables list the courses availabilities by location and term. Directing your pointer over your preferred location will provide further information if this course is not available for the full duration. Please be sure to also check individual unit availability by location and term prior to enrolling.

Domestic Availability

Term 1 - 2026


Term 1 - 2025


Term 1 - 2024


Term 1 - 2023


Term 1 - 2022


Term 1 - 2021


Term 1 - 2020


Term 1 - 2019

Please note that this course is only available for full time study.

Term 1 - 2018

All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted in the course. International applications should be lodged before 8th December each year for Term 1 entry in the following year. Eligible students are required to successfully undergo and pass a telephone interview about oral health therapy as a career as part of the selection criteria for this course. Telephone interviews take place in late December and early January. Entry is competitive in terms of Higher School Certificate results and pre-requisites of English and Science. Up to two (2) places for international students can be offered each year.

Term 1 - 2017

All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted in the course

Term 2 - 2016

Term 2 availability is only for students who have completed CQUniversity's STEPS/TEP course. All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted into this course.

Term 1 - 2016

All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted in the program

Term 2 - 2015

Term 2 offering is only for students who have completed CQUniversity's STEPS/TEP program.

Term 1 - 2015


Term 2 - 2014


Term 1 - 2014

Show All

International Availability

Term 1 - 2026


Term 1 - 2025


Term 1 - 2024


Term 1 - 2023


Term 1 - 2022


Term 1 - 2021


Term 1 - 2020


Term 1 - 2019

Please note that this course is only available for full time study.

Term 1 - 2018

All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted in the course. International applications should be lodged before 8th December each year for Term 1 entry in the following year. Eligible students are required to successfully undergo and pass a telephone interview about oral health therapy as a career as part of the selection criteria for this course. Telephone interviews take place in late December and early January. Entry is competitive in terms of Higher School Certificate results and pre-requisites of English and Science. Up to two (2) places for international students can be offered each year.

Term 1 - 2017

All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted in the course

Term 2 - 2016

Term 2 availability is only for students who have completed CQUniversity's STEPS/TEP course. All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted into this course.
Sorry, no international availabilities found.

Term 1 - 2016

All students are required to be interviewed before being accepted in the program
Sorry, no international availabilities found.

Term 2 - 2015

Term 2 offering is only for students who have completed CQUniversity's STEPS/TEP program.
Sorry, no international availabilities found.

Term 1 - 2015

Sorry, no international availabilities found.

Term 2 - 2014

Sorry, no international availabilities found.

Term 1 - 2014

Sorry, no international availabilities found.
Show All
For any problems regarding admissions availability for the selected course please contact 13 CQUni (13 27 86) or send us an email at
Entry Requirements - What do I need to start?
Entry Scores
Rank Threshold SR 75 | ATAR 75
Academic Requirements

Domestic students

Prerequisites: English (4, SA) and one of either Biology (4, SA); Chemistry (4, SA) or Physics (4, SA), entry through QTAC is based on OP score (no requirement for first year of offer) and an Interview.

International students

International students should visit for further information including English language requirements. 

Assumed Knowledge

English, Science, Maths or equivalent.

Course Features

Awards and Accreditation

Interim Awards Not applicable
Exit Awards Not applicable
  • Core

    The Bachelor of Oral Health course at CQUniversity is accredited by the Australian Dental Council (ADC) and approved without conditions by the Dental Board of Australia (DBofA) until 31 December 2021. The course is accredited by the Australian Dental Council in accordance with s48 of the National Law.

Residential School Requirements

Optional Residential School Students studying via distance education will be required to attend compulsory residential schools for some courses.
Click here to view all Residential Schools

Practicum/Work Placement

- Students are required to complete a minimum of 1000 hours of clinical placement. Refer to More Details for further information.

Previous and Current Enrolments

Year Number of Students
2025 77
2024 76
2023 62
2022 64
2021 60
Inherent Requirements
There are Inherent Requirements (IRs) that you need to be aware of, and fulfil, to achieve the core learning outcomes of the units and course. IRs are the essential capabilities, knowledge, behaviours and skills that are needed to complete a unit or course.

Please note that in some instances there may be similarities between course, entry and inherent requirements.

If you experience difficulties meeting these requirements, reasonable adjustments may be made upon contacting Adjustment must not compromise the academic integrity of the degree or course chosen at CQUniversity or the legal requirements of field education.

Ethical Behaviour

Examples are:

  • Complying with academic and non-academic misconduct policies and procedures such as CQUniversity’s Student Charter, Student Misconduct Policy and Student Behavioural Misconduct Procedures and Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).
  • Treating personal information obtained in classroom and clinical settings as private and confidential.
  • Respecting an individual’s/group’s diversity by demonstrating sensitivity to religious, cultural and individual differences.
  • Demonstrating an ability to reflect on ethical dilemmas and issues and take responsibility for ensuring awareness of ethical behaviour.
  • Complying with medico-legal requirements relating to infection control, informed consent, vaccinations, privacy and confidentiality with patient/client information in academic and clinical settings.
Behavioural Stability

Examples are:

  • Interacting positively and effectively with other students while attending activities related to the course.
  • Being receptive and responding appropriately to different viewpoints, to constructive feedback and to direction from academics and clinical staff.
  • Coping effectively with your own emotions, responses and behaviour when dealing with challenging situations in clinical settings.
Legal Compliance

Examples are:

  • Complying with relevant child protection and safety legislation including mandatory reporting requirements.
  • Complying with the requirements for student registration with the Dental Board of Australia via the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
  • Comply with local health setting/Queensland Health clinical placement requirements. 
  • Understand that compulsory clinical placement are allocated by academic staff and are non-negotiable unless there are compelling reasons. 
  • Understanding and preparing for the additional costs and travel that may be associated with the course (e.g. uniform and personal protective equipment requirements, textbooks, support material and equipment such as simulation typodont models) and clinical placements (e.g. travel, accommodation and living costs associated with clinical placements located outside of your primary residence, and completing pre-clinical health and training requirements such as the Blue Card and a National Police Check and vaccinations/immunisations).
  • Understanding and adhering to professional policy around the use of social media.
  • Knowing, understanding, and complying with legislative and regulatory requirements which are necessary pre-requisites to clinical placements in order to reduce the risk of harm, to self and others.
  • Complying with the Dental Board of Australia's Guidelines for Registered health practitioners and students in relation to blood-borne viruses (6 July 2020) in terms of being aware of their blood-borne virus (BBV) status and being offered testing for BBVs at or before entry to their course. Student health care workers who will be performing EPPs must be tested for BBVs in accordance with these Guidelines.
Communication Skills (Verbal, Non-verbal, Written and Technology)

Examples are:

  • Actively participating in discussion activities related to the course.
  • Using language that is appropriate to the context of the individual or group.
  • Verbally communicating your knowledge and skills with accuracy, appropriateness and effectiveness.
  • Providing team members with clear concise verbal handover reports related to patients.
  • Using appropriate facial expressions, eye contact and gestures while being mindful of interpersonal space.
  • Recognising and interpreting non-verbal cues of others and respond appropriately during activities related to the course and clinical placements.
  • Constructing your assessment work to academic standards with attention to correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Constructing fluent summarised written text from complex and detailed information.
  • Constructing legible reports in a timely manner to meet professional standards and clearly communicating the intended message.
  • Accurately documenting clinical records to meet legal and professional requirements.
Cognitive Abilities (Knowledge and Cognitive Skills, Literacy and Numeracy)

Examples are:

  • Conceptualising and using appropriate knowledge in response to academic assessment items.
  • Applying knowledge of policy and procedures in clinical settings.
  • Performing your duties within set timeframes.
  • Applying theoretical knowledge to understand patient’s history when undertaking patient assessment.
  • Paraphrasing, summarising and referencing in accordance with appropriate academic conventions.
  • Actively listening to information within a variety of situations.
  • Reading and accurately interpreting information related to patients.
  • Completing documentation that is accurate, clear and concise.
  • Applying numeracy skills to record, interpret and solve problems in a range of educational and clinical settings.
Sensory Abilities (Visual, Auditory, Tactile)

Examples are:

  • Focusing on and recognising objects that are either near or far.
  • Safely operating electronic equipment.
  • Using sight for safe practice when performing preventive and operative dentistry.
  • Sufficiently hearing verbal communication from other students and lecturers during activities related to the course.
  • Having sufficient auditory ability to consistently and accurately monitor, assess and manage patient’s needs.
  • Being able to able to sufficiently hear verbal communication from patients in order to provide patient care and disease prevention information.
  • Accurately interpreting verbal communications, and directions from staff.
  • Using touch in an appropriate manner when conveying positive messages for emotional support during difficult circumstances.
  • Using tactile abilities when performing preventive and operative dentistry.
Relational Skills

Examples are:

  • Collaborating with fellow students and clinical staff in planning, modifying and completing projects and procedures.
  • Demonstrating respect for and consideration of divergent points of view within teams.
  • Adapting to a variety of styles of instruction, feedback and supervision on clinical placements.
  • Rapidly building rapport with patients to engage cooperation, elicit information and provide effective care in carrying out dental examinations and procedures.
  • Interacting and engaging with individuals and groups in a respectful and culturally competent manner.
  • Responding constructively to feedback on performance.

Reflective Skills

Examples are:

  • Assessing your own performance in a range of environments, including the classroom, clinical simulation laboratories and clinical workplace.
  • Identifying contributing factors to your thinking patterns, actions and behaviours.
  • Identifying when your performance may be negatively affected by your emotional state.
  • Evaluating your knowledge and skills to determine whether or not a clinical activity is within your scope of practice.
  • Formulating an action plan to address an identified performance gap.
Sustainable Performance

Examples are:

  • Actively participating in activities related to the course with adequate, sustained levels of physical energy and concentration.
  • Participate in learning clinical skills and fully engage in clinical practice activities.
Strength and Mobility (Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills)

Examples are:

  • Incorporating a range of gross motor skills while participating effectively in activities related to the course.
  • Maintaining balance while safely transferring delicate equipment.
  • Moving with ease around patients and equipment items while performing delivery of dental care.
  • Safely retrieving and utilising stock and equipment.
  • Manipulating delicate, breakable equipment with ease and care.
  • Manipulating syringes and needles with precision and care avoiding harm to self and others.
  • Using high speed and low speed handpieces precisely, accurately and safely avoiding harm to self and others.
  • Manipulating extraction forceps and other dental instruments precisely, accurately and safely avoiding harm to self and others.
  • Dispensing and applying chemicals and dental materials precisely, accurately and safely avoiding harm to self and others.
Interpersonal Engagement

Examples are:

  • Being a productive member of a small group learning team during pre-clinical and clinical units of study.
  • Providing feedback to and responding to feedback from peers in learning teams.
  • Developing and sustaining rapport with supervising clinicians during clinical placements to support effective working relationships, positive learning environments and positive outcomes for patients.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Abilities

Examples are:

  • Access to a computer and the internet for studies, research, and email for communication with peers and lecturers.
  • Analysing, manipulating and displaying scientific information.
Compulsory Requirements
Health Requirements

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) placements apply to this course and as such are subject to compulsory pre-placement conditions referred to as mandatory checks and are outlined in the health, security and other compulsory requirements sections. Mandatory checks are determined by industry, organisations, legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures. To be eligible for a WIL placement, students must first achieve compliance with mandatory checks by each closing date prior to a WIL placement and maintain current evidence for the duration of the course.

Mandatory health requirements include immunisation and vaccination evidence (and serology where required) to the following diseases: Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Varicella, Pertussis, Influenza, Blood Borne Virus and Tuberculosis screening. Respirator mask fit testing is also an annual requirement for this course.

COVID-19 Vaccination Advice

Effective 25 September 2023, updates have been made to the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for Queensland Health sites and the Queensland Ambulance Service. While Queensland Health does not currently mandate evidence of COVID-19 vaccination, it's essential to recognise that other organisations may enforce their own vaccination specific criteria. This situation is similar across other states and territories, with the exception of Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, where COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory for all healthcare students.    

Security Requirements

Mandatory security requirements include an Australian Federal Police clearance and working with children check.

Other Compulsory Requirements

Other mandatory requirements include a First Aid and CPR certificate, student agreement to privacy and confidentiality, fitness to participate in WIL student declaration, jurisdictional and site-specific compulsory requirements, and other training modules.

Core Learning Outcomes
  • 1. Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge relevant to oral health and diseases
  • 2. Make diagnostic judgements using appropriate critical thinking and problem-solving skills within the scope of an oral health therapist
  • 3. Select and apply appropriate treatments and therapies relevant to holistic oral health care
  • 4. Apply the principles of research methodology and evidence-based practice to oral health practice
  • 5. Communicate decisions and outcomes relating to oral health to other health professionals and the general public, in individual, group and community settings, using appropriate language
  • 6. Work effectively, ethically, professionally and safely in an individual or team context, within the scope of an oral health practitioner
  • 7. Reflect on performance and take responsibility for further learning and professional development of themselves and others, as part of the oral health profession
  • 8. Satisfy the relevant Australian Dental Council and Dental Board of Australia criteria in relation to knowledge, skills and fitness to practice as an Oral Health Therapist
  Course Learning Outcomes
Australian Qualifications Framework Descriptors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. KNOWLEDGE Have a broad and coherent body of knowledge, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines as a basis for independent lifelong learning
2. SKILLS Have cognitive skills to review critically, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge
3. SKILLS Have cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of knowledge with depth in some areas
4. SKILLS Have cognitive and creative skills to exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying and solving problems with intellectual independence
5. SKILLS Have communication skills to present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas
6. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Demonstrate initiative and judgement in planning, problem solving and decision making in professional practice and/or scholarship
7. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts
8. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILL Be responsible and accountable for own learning and professional practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters
KNOWLEDGE Develop an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture in contemporary and historical context using the respectful and appropriate protocols and terminology
APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Engage in reflective self-evaluation of own cultural values and perspectives to proactively create an inclusive workplace that affirms and celebrates cultural diversity
APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Display leadership by creating inclusive work environments and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a culturally respectful manner
More Details

Oral Health Simulation and Prosthetic Laboratory Learning costs and information

Years 1-2 of the course include hands-on learning in the oral health simulation and prosthetic laboratories on campus during most terms. Students must demonstrate professional behaviours including regular attendance and meeting the course dress code during oral health simulation and prosthetic laboratory sessions. During simulations of oral health procedures, all students will participate in role plays as operator and patient. These essential learning activities will require touching and being touched by peers. If a student is unable to participate, it may impact the student's ability to attain required skills and complete unit assessments. 

First year will be required to purchase equipment for simulation in Term 2, at an approximate cost of $1600.

Second year students will be required to purchase equipment for Term 2, at an approximate cost of $600.

Equipment can be used for clinical and oral health education purposes after graduation.
Oral Health Clinical Learning

Years 1-3 of the course include hands-on learning in the oral health clinical setting on and off campus during most terms. Students must demonstrate professional behaviours including regular attendance and meeting the course dress code during oral health clinical sessions. Whilst learning oral health procedures, all students will participate in role plays as operator and patient. These essential learning activities will require touching and being touched by peers. If a student is unable to participate, it may impact the student's ability to attain required skills and complete unit assessments.

Second year students will be required to purchase equipment for Term 1, at an approximate cost of $500.

Equipment can be used for clinical purposes after graduation.

Clinical Requirements

The Bachelor of Oral Health course involves extensive training in a clinical environment, initially using simulator technologies before progressing to full-time clinical placements in an oral health environment. Students should be prepared in their final year of study to spend four (4) days per week in full-time clinical placements as part of the course requirements. Before commencing work placement, students must have gathered the following to provide to the appropriate academic supervisor and their workplace supervisor:

  • Signed clinical placement agreement;

  • Current approved senior first aid and CPR certificate;

  • Evidence of Immunisations as per the CQUniversity Policy for Vaccination of students in health units;

  • Students require a Student (S) blue card - application form can be found at

  • Students require an NDIS Worker Screening Clearance Card

  • Students require a Police Certificate - application form can be found at

  • Respirator Mask Fit Test. 'Passed' respiratory mask-fit test evidence for a minimum of one mask. (Fit testing for two masks is recommended)

  • ACSQHS Hand Hygiene for Clinical Health Care

  • Workers Online Learning Module Certificate of Achievement

  • ACSQHC The Basics of Infection Prevention and Control Online Learning Module Certificate of Achievement

Patient Safety

If there is a breach of patient safety, a student may be removed from patient contact and be required to undertake remediation.  The student must then pass a safety audit prior to re-entering the clinical environment.

For Placement enquiries, please contact the WIL HMAS team:


Ph: 07 4930 9124, Option 5

For Mandatory Check enquiries, please contact the WIL Compliance team: 


Ph: 07 4930 9124, Option 3

Health Authority Compliance

Health Authority Compliance (All States) as per the instructions per placement COVID-19 Vaccination Advice:

  • Effective 25th September 2023, updates have been made to the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for Queensland Health sites and the Queensland Ambulance Service. While Queensland Health does not currently mandate evidence of COVID-19 vaccination, it's essential to recognise that other organisations may enforce their own vaccination specific criteria. This situation is similar across other states and territories, with the exception of Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia where COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory for all healthcare students.

Legal Compliance

Complying with the Dental Board of Australia's Guidelines for Registered health practitioners and students in relation to blood-borne viruses (6 July 2020) in terms of being aware of their blood-borne virus (BBV) status and being offered testing for BBVs at or before entry to their course. Student health care workers who will be performing EPPs must be tested for BBVs in accordance with these Guidelines.
Unit Credit/Recognition of Prior Learning

Credit for a unit may be granted to students who are able to demonstrate appropriate prior learning in the last 5 years for clinical units and in the last 7 years for theoretical units at a recognised educational institution. The normal maximum amount of credit which may be granted to a prospective student enrolling into the Bachelor of Oral Health course is 72 credit points - this is based on previously completed equivalent studies. Refer to the Credit Transfer website for further details on the guidelines and application process or contact your Course Advisor. You can apply for direct credit against CQUniversity units, if equivalent tertiary level study has been completed. You must supply relevant documentation (study guides, unit profiles, etc) to do this. If your study was undertaken more than 10 years ago, you may not be eligible for credit.
Deferment of Initial Offer

There is no deferment permitted in the Bachelor of Oral Health course. If a student receives and accepts an offer to study this course, they MUST be prepared to study every term throughout their degree. If a student chooses to defer from the course for whatever reason, they will be automatically cancelled from the course. Students who have completed some study in the course may have a Leave of Absence (LOA) approved under special circumstances.

Leave of Absence (LOA) and Return from Leave of Absence (RLOA) of Course

Domestic Students: There is a process where students can apply for a Leave of Absence (LOA)  part way through their course. For more information regarding a Leave of Absence for the Bachelor of Oral Health course please contact 13 CQUni (132786) or send us an email at

International Students: Please refer to Leave of Absence Policy and Procedure

Change of Course (CHOC) for current CQUniversity Students

Internal transfers for current CQU students are not permitted. Students cannot change courses from another CQUniversity course into CB29 Bachelor of Oral Health. Students who wish to change into CB29 must apply via QTAC/VTAC/UAC. Strict quota limits apply to each year of the course. Please go to the following link for further information on a Change of Course:
or contact 13 CQUni (13 27 86)) or send us an email at

Readmission into the Course

There is a process where students previously enrolled in a course seek to recommence their studies in that course after their enrolment has lapsed or been cancelled. Applications for readmission to the same course are made directly to the University. For more information regarding admissions availability for the Bachelor of Oral Health please contact 13 CQUni (13 27 86)) or send us an email at
Timeline on Course Completion

Years 1, 2 and 3 must be completed full-time and consecutively. If Leave of Absence (LOA) is approved, or if a student fails a unit, a student will be required to comply with a study plan that is designed to maintain their clinical skills and scientific knowledge.

Student and Graduate Registration

As per Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, all students enrolled in this course will be placed on the student register of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) for the duration of their course. Education providers are obligated to notify AHPRA of any student impairment that may place the public at substantial risk or harm. Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Oral Health course, graduates are eligible to apply for registration as a Registered Dental Practitioner - Oral Health Therapist - with the Dental Board of Australia (DBofA). Such registration is required for practice in Australia as an oral health therapist. To be accepted for registration with the DBofA, graduates are required to disclose any criminal history, physical and/or psychological impairment and to meet the published standard of English language proficiency. For further information on these requirements, applicants are advised to consult the Dental Board of Australia's published information at

Computer Requirements

It is strongly recommended/requirement of enrolment in this course that students have access to the CQUniversity website. Students may be required to undertake various components of study in the course using email and the internet. It is strongly recommended that students have access to a broadband connection or higher to access online student resources that include but are not limited to, email, internet, video streaming and electronic assessment submission.

Degree with Distinction

To be eligible for consideration for the award of an undergraduate Degree with Distinction, a student must have achieved a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 6.00 for their course. This calculation should be based on all relevant units' grades studied as part of the undergraduate degree course, for which the Degree with Distinction is to be awarded.