Previous Version Version Effective: 29th of July, 2024
Version Effective: 29th of July, 2024

BSB41419 - Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

Course Details

Course Summary

This qualification applies to individuals working in a work health and safety (WHS) role who provide a broad range of technical knowledge and skills, and have some limited responsibility for the output of others.

The qualification applies to those working as supervisors, WHS personnel, and workers in other WHS-related roles who manage risks effectively, apply relevant WHS laws, and contribute to WHS within the workplace in known or changing contexts with established parameters.

Entry Requirements

Completion of the BKSB (Basic Key Skills Builder) online literacy and numeracy assessment prior to enrolment, unless the student has completed an equal or higher level course.  There are no other entry requirements specified.

Suggested prior experience in any of the following:

  • WHS Representative training and fulfilling that role
  • Undertaken short training courses (i.e. 1 day) – work specific WHS matters
  • Having undertaken practical WHS tasks in the workplace related to implementing and/or monitoring WHS systems
  • Students having completed BSB30719 - Certificate III in Work Health and Safety or similar studies may consider undertaking this qualification.

Vocational Placement and Work Integrated Learning

Students must complete a Vocational Placement and/or Work Integrated Learning as part of this qualification.

Additional information

Important note: 

Some units within this qualification require a verification that some activities associated with the unit have been undertaken in the workplace, known as a 'Third Party Verification' and completed in a 'Third Party Report'.  Where possible, if you are employed in a workplace, you should have a WHS practitioner as a mentor to assist you in developing the practical skills in applying your knowledge. Your manager is also an important source of feedback on your competence. A suitable signatory for the Third-Party Report is a person that has undertaken training at least to the level prescribed in this course. or is performing in a managerial position in the organisation, and therefore has oversight of safety systems under Work Health and Safety legislation.  You should make these arrangements to ask for assistance from a Third Party yourself, where it is possible to do so, based on the circumstances in your workplace. A ‘Third Party Report’ is provided in the respective Moodle unit. 

This should be established near the commencement of your studies, once you are enrolled in the first unit listed below (BSBWHS415). 

The respective units are:

BSBWHS415 Contribute to implementing WHS management systems (core unit)
BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes
BSBWHS520 Manage implementation of emergency procedures.


Applicants should have a sound level of computer literacy skills and be motivated and organised to complete the training and assessment in an on-line learning environment.

Course Details

Course Type Qualification
Student Availability
  • Domestic
Full Fee $3,080.00 (2024)
$3,190.00 (2025)
Fee for service per unit $308.00 (2024)
$319.00 (2025)
RPL Fee for service per Unit $154.00 (2024)
$240.00 (2025)
For detailed information on Course Fees, visit
Application Mode
  • Direct To University
How to Apply Please Enquire or Apply Now
Study Area
  • Transport and Safety Sciences
Skill Area
  • Business Services
  • Safety
AQF Level Level 4: Certificate IV

Admission Codes

Domestic Students
Tertiary Admission Centre Codes (TAC) Codes
Not Applicable
International Students
Not Applicable

Student Outcomes, Career Opportunities and Occupations

Students may work in the role of a Work Health and Safety Officer or Work Health and Safety Advisor.



Course Structures

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete 5 core units
  2. Complete 5 elective units

Study Mode Definitions

  • Online: Online courses provide the flexibility to study without normally requiring a student to visit a campus. Course content is studied through a number of means including the use of online discussion forums, electronic library resources, by contacting lecturers and teachers, and receiving study materials online/electronically. Work integrated learning, including placements, may be included in some courses.
  • On-campus: Students studying in on-campus mode typically are expected to attend and participate in regular, structured on-campus teaching and learning activities throughout the University’s academic term. These activities may include lectures, tutorials, workshops and practice, online or other activities and normally will be timetabled at a CQUniversity campus or approved delivery site.
  • Mixed Mode: Students studying in mixed mode will participate in a combination of online learning activities in addition to site-specific learning activities, which may include residential schools, co-op placements and/or work-integrated learning as a compulsory requirement of a unit. The additional site-specific learning activities are what differentiates a mixed-mode unit from an online unit.

*All study modes may include Vocational placement and/or work integrated learning.

Select a course structure below to view the delivery details, including the different study modes offered for each structure.

Standard Course Structure

This course is typically completed over a 12 month period. Students should allocate approximately 12-15 hours per week of study.

As this course is competency based, it may be possible for learners to complete their training sooner if they have reached the required skill level.


  • Online
Cluster 1: Foundations of Work Health and Safety

Important note: Students are instructed not to enrol into more than one Cluster at a time. 

BSBWHS412 Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws More Information Details
BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS risk management More Information Details
BSBWHS415 Contribute to implementing WHS management systems More Information Details
Cluster 2: Introduction to further key elements of Work Health and Safety

Important note: Students are instructed not to enrol into more than one Cluster at a time. 

BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes More Information Details
BSBWHS416 Contribute to workplace incident response More Information Details
BSBWHS418 Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors More Information Details
Cluster 3: Managing contingencies, hazardous process and procedures in Work Health and Safety

Important note: Students are instructed not to enrol into more than one Cluster at a time. 

BSBWHS417 Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work More Information Details
BSBWHS431 Develop processes and procedures for controlling hazardous chemicals in the workplace More Information Details
BSBWHS520 Manage implementation of emergency procedures More Information Details
BSBWRT411 Write complex documents More Information Details

Unit Sequence

Below is the recommended study sequence for this course. Please enrol in your units as per the following order.
Units with the same sequence number should be enrolled into at the same time.
Sequence Unit
1 BSBWHS412 - Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws
2 BSBWHS414 - Contribute to WHS risk management
3 BSBWHS415 - Contribute to implementing WHS management systems
4 BSBWHS413 - Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes
5 BSBWHS416 - Contribute to workplace incident response
6 BSBWHS418 - Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors
7 BSBWHS417 - Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work
8 BSBWHS431 - Develop processes and procedures for controlling hazardous chemicals in the workplace
9 BSBWHS520 - Manage implementation of emergency procedures
10 BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents

Course Assessment Information

RPL - Students who have previous informal and formal learning need to advise their trainer/assessor prior to enrolment. If the student wishes to apply for an RPL they need to apply to the RPL Centre.
Credit transfer - If credit for relevant formal qualifications is sought, then the process will be actioned after the student has enrolled in at least one unit of competency as directed by the relevant trainer/assessor. The Trainer/Assessor will work with the student on their credit transfer application, and provide advice and support as necessary.
Assessment Types
Written/Electronic Assessment
Practical Task
Third Party Verification
Course Learning Outcomes
Where and when can I start?
Please view the more details information for any additional information related to this course.

Domestic 2020 Availabilities

Standard Course Structure

March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
December: Part Time

Domestic 2021 Availabilities

Standard Course Structure

February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time

Domestic 2022 Availabilities

Standard Course Structure

February: Part Time
March: Part Time
April: Part Time
May: Part Time
June: Part Time
July: Part Time
August: Part Time
September: Part Time
October: Part Time

Domestic 2023 Availabilities

Standard Course Structure

February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time

Domestic 2024 Availabilities

Standard Course Structure

February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
For individual class days and times for each intake please check the TAFE Timetable located here
The availabilities shown above are for the current and future years. To view any historic availabilities please press "Show Historic Availabilities" below:

Show Historic Availabilities
More Details

More Details

Course enrolment intakes are available each month from February to October.  Students may enrol in up to 3 or 4 allocated competencies in each cluster as shown under the Course Structures tab of this Handbook, OR choose to enrol in only one or two units from that Cluster at a time following the unit sequence, depending on the study load they wish to take on and when they wish to complete the qualification. 

Students should not attempt to enrol in more than 3 units at a time for the first and second cluster, as they are allocated a 20 week enrolment period inclusive of all units they are enrolled into at the commencement of a calendar month.