CC13 Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
  2. Complete 2 minors

Core Structure

Number of units: 18 Total credit points: 120

Year 1 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDSE11024 Teaching Youth
EDED11454 Education as a Profession
Year 1 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDED11457 Responding to Diversity and Inclusion
EDFE11038 Professional Practice 1 - Introduction to Teaching
Year 1 - Term 3
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDED11458 Indigenous Studies and Learning
Year 2 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDSE12024 Digital Pedagogies in Secondary Schools
EDSE12025 Neuroeducation and Managing Challenging Behaviour
Year 2 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDSE12021 Middle Years Learning and Teaching
EDFE12043 Professional Practice 2 (Secondary) - Application of Curriculum
EDSE12028 Literacy and Numeracy in Secondary School Contexts
Year 3 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDED13434 Learning and Wellbeing in Middle School
EDED13435 Students with Special Needs
Year 3 - Term 3
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDFE13033 Professional Practice 3 (Secondary) - Engagement with Others
Year 4 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDSE14004 Assessment and Reporting in Secondary Schools
EDSE14002 Senior Years Learning and Teaching
Year 4 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDED14354 The Ethical Professional
EDFE14021 Professional Practice 4 - Engaged Teaching and Learning
EDFE14020 Professional Practice Specialisation

In addition to the above, students are required to complete six units from Discipline Teaching Area 1 and six units from Discipline Teaching Area 2 as follows:-

Year 1, Term 1

Discipline Teaching Area 1

Discipline Teaching Area 2

Year 1, Term 2

Discipline Teaching Area 1

Discipline Teaching Area 2

Year 2, Term 1

Discipline Teaching Area 1

Discipline Teaching Area 2

Year 3, Term 1

Discipline Teaching Area 1

Discipline Teaching Area 1

Discipline Teaching Area 2

Discipline Teaching Area 2

Year 3, Term 2

Discipline Teaching Area 1

Discipline Teaching Area 2

A list of units relating to the Discipline Teaching Areas can be found by accessing the information relating to specific minors in this course. Students should also refer to the More Details section for important information regarding completion of these units.

Agricultural Science (Including Year 7-10 Science) Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Agricultural Science (including Year 7-10 Science) must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
AGRI11001 Soil and Irrigation Management
AGRI11008 Introduction to Agricultural Systems

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete 4 from the following units:
AGRI12001 Animal Health and Welfare
AGRI12002 Weeds, Pests and Plant Diseases
AGRI12013 Driving Productivity in Food Production Systems
AGRI13001 Social Licence to Operate
AGRI13008 Agriculture Technology Transformation: The Future of Food and Fibre

RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: Some units in this minor have compulsory Residential Schools. Please ensure you check the CQUniversity Handbook Residential School Page for dates and the relevant Unit Profile for more details. Please note that residential schools may be held outside the term in which the unit is run.

Biology (Including Year 7-10 Science) Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Biology (including Year 7-10 Science) must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
BIOL11102 Life Science Laboratory
ENVR11014 Environmental Monitoring

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
BIOL12107 Genomes, Genetics & Evolution
Available units
Students must complete 3 from the following units:
ENVR12002 Applied Ecology
BIOL12112 Animal and Plant Physiology
ZOOL12009 Invertebrate Zoology
BOTN19001 Australian Botany
MBIO19013 Environmental Microbiology

Business Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Business must complete and pass two Level 1 units and four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete 2 from the following units:
MGMT11109 Introduction to Business
ECON11026 Principles of Economics

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete 4 from the following units:
ECON19031 Environmental Economics
MGMT19126 Operations Management
MGMT13151 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Start-ups
FINC19011 Business Finance
ACCT19083 Corporate Governance & Ethics

Chemistry (Including Year 7-10 Science) Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Chemistry (including Year 7-10 Science) must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
CHEM11043 Atoms, Molecules and Matter
CHEM11044 Chemical Reactions

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
CHEM12079 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM12080 Organic Chemistry
Available units
Students must complete 2 from the following units:
CHEM19085 Environmental Chemistry
CHEM13080 Analytical Science
CHEM13081 Biomaterials: Environmental and Medical Applications
CHEM13082 Nanotechnology: Health and the environment
CHEM13083 Physical Chemistry
CHEM13084 Bio-Organic Chemistry

English Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach English must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
LITR11056 Introduction to Literature
LITR11043 The Short Story

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
LITR12028 Poetry and Poetics
LITR12029 Shakespeare Today
Available units
Students must complete 2 from the following units:
LITR13041 (Post)Modernism and Literature
LITR13042 Australian Literature and Identity
LITR28002 Literary Theory
LITR28001 Comparative Literature Project

Geography Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Geography must complete and pass the two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
GEOH11001 Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG11023 Physical Geography of Australia

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete 4 from the following units:
GEOG12020 Australian Weather and Climate
GEOG12022 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG13013 Sustainable Regions and Cities
EVST12014 Australian Environmental History
EVST12014 Australian Environmental History
GEOG13015 Remote Sensing of Environment
EVST13018 Environmental Management Systems
EVST13019 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

PLEASE NOTE: EVST12014 is offered in both the History and Geography minors. Students undertaking both of these minors who select EVST12014 in one minor are not permitted to select this unit in the other minor.

Health and Physical Education (including Year 7-10 HPE and Year 11-12 Physical Education) Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Physical Education (including Year 7-10 HPE and Year 11-12 Physical Education) must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ESSC11003 Skill Acquisition and Movement
ESSC11001 Physical Activity, Fitness and Health

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete 4 from the following units:
ESSC12001 Exercise and Sport Physiology
ESSC12004 Exercise and Sport Biomechanics
ESSC12005 Applied Exercise and Sport Physiology
NUTR12001 Human Nutrition
ESSC12003 Exercise and Sport Psychology

RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: All units in this minor have compulsory Residential Schools. Please ensure you check the CQUniversity Handbook Residential School Page for dates and the relevant Unit Profile for more details. Please note that residential schools may be held outside the term in which the unit is run.

PLEASE NOTE: Students who are undertaking both the Health and Physical Education and Home Economics and Hospitality minors cannot select NUTR12001 as a Health and Physical Education minor unit as NUTR12001 is a compulsory unit in the Home Economics and Hospitality minor and, as such, will need to complete the other four Advanced Level Health and Physical Education minor units instead.

History Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach History must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
HIST11037 Dawn of Humanity: An Introduction to World History
HIST11038 The Modern World Emerges: An Overview

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete 4 from the following units:
HIST12009 Power and Politics in the 20th Century
HIST13018 Australia on the World Stage: History and Politics
HIST12010 Modern South East Asia
EVST12014 Australian Environmental History
HIST28001 Modern Japan
HIST28002 War and Australian Society

PLEASE NOTE: EVST12014 is offered in both the History and Geography minors. Students undertaking both of these minors who select EVST12014 in one minor are not permitted to select this unit in the other minor.

Home Economics and Hospitality Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Home Economics and Hospitality must complete and pass the two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDVT11021 Food Technology
EDVT11022 Textile Technology

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
NUTR12001 Human Nutrition
EDSE12023 Individuals, Families & Communities
EDSE13001 Culinary Science for Teachers
EDSE14001 Fashion Design

RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: In addition to the on-line Moodle site requirements, EDVT11021, EDVT11022, EDSE13001 and EDSE14001 also include compulsory Residential Schools delivered face-to-face. Please ensure you check the CQUniversity Handbook Residential School Page for dates and the relevant Unit Profile for more details. Please note that residential schools may be held outside the term in which the unit is run.

TRADE ENTRY: Students who enter the course with a relevant Trade Qualification and post-qualification work experience can apply for up to six units credit toward the required twelve Discipline Teaching Area units for this course. If successful, this credit is applied to the six units that comprise Discipline Teaching Area 1. Discipline Teaching Area 2 must comprise the completion of the six units listed above. Please refer to the 'More Details' section for further information.

PLEASE NOTE: Students who are undertaking both the Health and Physical Education and Home Economics and Hospitality minors cannot select NUTR12001 as a Health and Physical Education minor unit as NUTR12001 is a compulsory unit in the Home Economics and Hospitality minor and, as such, will need to complete the other four Advanced Level Health and Physical Education minor units instead.

PLEASE NOTE: Students who wish to undertake the Home Economics and Hospitality minor with the Industrial Technology and Design minor should contact the Course Advice Team to request a personalised course planner in order to avoid workshop clashes.

Industrial Technology and Design Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Industrial Technology and Design must complete and pass the two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDSE11023 Metal Technologies and Design
EDSE11022 Timber Technology and Design

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EDSE12027 Industrial Furnishing Processes
EDSE12026 Graphics, 3D Computer Aided Drafting and Design
EDSE14005 Design and Manufacturing
EDSE13002 Industrial Skills

RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: All units in this minor have compulsory Residential Schools. Please ensure you check the CQUniversity Handbook Residential School Page for dates and the relevant Unit Profile for more details. Please note that residential schools may be held outside the term in which the unit is run.

TRADE ENTRY: Students who enter the course with a relevant Trade Qualification and post-qualification work experience can apply for up to six units credit toward the required twelve Discipline Teaching Area units for this course. If successful, this credit is applied to the six units that comprise Discipline Teaching Area 1. Discipline Teaching Area 2 must comprise the completion of the six units listed above. Please refer to the 'More Details' section for further information.

PLEASE NOTE: Students who wish to undertake the Home Economics and Hospitality minor with the Industrial Technology and Design minor should contact the Course Advice Team to request a personalised course planner in order to avoid workshop clashes.

Mathematics Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Mathematics must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
MATH11246 Essentials of Applied Mathematics
STAT11048 Essential Statistics

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
MATH12223 Calculus A
MATH12224 Calculus B
MATH13217 Linear Algebra and Vectors
MATH13218 Advanced Applications of Mathematics

Psychology (including Year 7-10 Science) Minor

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 36

Students wishing to teach Psychology (including Year 7-10 Science) must complete and pass two Level 1 units from the list below plus four Advanced level units.

Level 1 Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PSYC11010 Fundamentals of Psychology 1: Understanding Human Behaviour
PSYC11012 Research Methods 1

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PSYC12010 Psychology Across the Lifespan

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
PSYC12012 Physiological Psychology
PSYC12049 Psychotherapies and Counselling
PSYC12014 Critical Social Psychology
PSYC12050 Applied Health and Sports Psychology

Advanced Level Units

Available units
Students must complete 2 from the following units:
PSYC13017 Foundations of Psychopathology
PSYC13018 Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSYC13020 Individual Differences and Assessment