CL45 Master of Public Health

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
  2. Complete 1 major
  3. Complete electives

Core Structure

Number of units: 16 Total credit points: 96

It is recommended students undertake the core public health units before commencing the elective units or starting the practice or research project units.

The following units are compulsory for those enrolled in 16 unit pathway:

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PBHL20001 Understanding Public Health
PBHL20002 Systems Thinking in Public Health
PBHL20003 Epidemiology and Statistics
PBHL20004 Public Health Action and Evaluation
PBHL20005 Global Public Health
PBHL20006 Participatory Health Research
PBHL20007 Cultural Immersion and Lived Experience
PBHL20008 Engaging with Cross-cultural Communities
PBHL20009 Health and Wellbeing in the Cross-Cultural Community
PBHL20010 Public Health Practice in the Cross-Cultural Community

The following units are compulsory for those enrolled in 12 unit pathway:

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PBHL20001 Understanding Public Health
PBHL20002 Systems Thinking in Public Health
PBHL20003 Epidemiology and Statistics
PBHL20004 Public Health Action and Evaluation
PBHL20005 Global Public Health
PBHL20006 Participatory Health Research

If you are choosing the practice or research project major, you need to complete the following four units:

Available units
Students must complete 4 from the following units:
PBHL20011 Public Health Project Proposal
PBHL20012 Public Health Project Work 1
PBHL20013 Public Health Project Work 2
PBHL20014 Public Health Project Report

If you are choosing the liberal studies major (electives), you need to choose a combination of units from the following list to make up the required credit points for the course. You are required to complete DSMG28001 plus any other five electives from the list. 

Available units
Students must complete 6 from the following units:
PMSC29001 Transition to Practice
SAFE20011 Exposures and Health Risk
SAFE20016 Safety Systems and Regulation
SAFE20017 Human Factors in Complex Systems
SAFE20018 Fatigue Risk Management
AINV20006 Safety and Accident Phenomenology
DSMG29001 Disaster Risk Reduction
DSMG29002 Leadership in Emergency and Disaster Management
DSMG29003 Building Adaptive Capacity with Communities
COMM20110 Crisis Communication
PSYC20037 Introduction to Positive Psychology: Perspectives on Wellbeing
PSYC20038 Positive Psychology: Research Methods
PSYC20039 Inter-disciplinary and Cross-cultural Approaches to Wellbeing
PSYC20040 Wellbeing Initiatives: Local and Global Scales
PSYC20042 Building Wellbeing and Resilience: Interconnected Factors
DSMG20003 Research for Emergency and Disaster Management
DSMG28001 Foundations of Emergency and Disaster Management