CC53 Master of Information Systems

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure

Core Structure

Number of units: 11 Total credit points: 72

Students should note that they may be required to enrol in some units by Distance.

Year 1 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
COIT20249 Professional Skills and Ethics in Information and Communications Technology
COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design
PPMP20007 Project Management Concepts
COIT20245 Introduction to Programming
Year 1 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
COIT20246 Networking and Cyber Security
COIT20247 Database Design and Development
COIT20250 Technologies in Information Systems Practice
Year 2 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
COIT20251 Knowledge Audits for Business Analysis
COIT20252 Business Process Management
COIT20253 Business Intelligence using Big Data
Year 2 - Term 2
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
COIT20276 Postgraduate ICT Internship
COIT20254 Information Systems Project

Students studying fulltime will undertake their first elective unit in Year 1 Term 2.

A second elective is undertaken in Year 2 Term 1. The remaining two elective units are undertaken in Year 2 Term 2.

Students undertaking an internship will enrol in the unit "Postgraduate ICT Internship" instead of the capstone unit COIT20254 Information System Project. Students who elect to take the internship option instead of a capstone unit should refer to the study schedule posted on the Moodle site "School of Engineering and Technology" (SET Internships).


Number of units: 4 Total credit points: 24

Students should note that they may be required to enrol in some units by Distance.

Elective Opportunities for students
Internship Opportunity

Students in the Master of Information Systems are able to apply for an internship. To qualify for an internship students must be in good academic standing, pass each unit at the first attempt, successfully pass the CQUniversity English Language Placement test and complete an interview with the internship host. Information sessions are held on the metropolitan campuses, recorded and the recording placed on the "School of Engineering and Technology Internship" (SET Internships) Moodle site. The information sessions are usually held in the fourth week of term. Please check the notices on your campus.

Please note students will be able to undertake the internship in place of doing their discipline capstone unit.

There is an opportunity for students to undertake a minor from other courses at CQUniversity.

Electives from Master of IT
Software Design and Development Network and Information Security Mobile Application Development
COIT20256 Data Structures and Algorithms COIT20261 Network Routing and Switching COIT20268 Responsive Web Design
COIT20259 Enterprise Computing Architecture COIT20262 Advanced Network Security COIT20271 Mobile Game Development
COIT20258 Software Design: Principles, Models and Patterns COIT20263 Information Security Management COIT20269 Mobile Web Apps
COIT 20257 Distributed Systems: Principles and Development COIT20264 Network Design COIT20270 App Development for Mobile Platforms
Electives from Graduate Certificate of Project Management
PPMP20008 Initiating and Planning Projects
PPMP20010 Executing and Closing Projects
PPMP20009 Project Management Methodologies

Business and Law units: Students are able to take units from Business and Law providing any prerequisites have been met. The Business and Law units listed above are those that are the start of a sequence of study. Please see the Student Handbook for available units.

Statistics: STAT20029 Statistics for Managerial Decisions (you may then take COIT20275 Systems Science and Engineering as an elective.)
OR other units providing that any prerequisites have been met.

Students should note that they may be required to enrol in some units by Distance.

Please see the Elective Additional Notes below for a guide as to which units to choose first. You have the opportunity to include a minor in a related discipline by choosing four units from a particular Masters course.

Available units
Students may choose to do any of the following:
COIT20256 Object Oriented Development
PPMP20008 Initiating and Planning Projects
COIT20261 Network Routing and Switching
MRKT20052 Marketing Management and Digital Communications
MGMT20129 Managing People, Organisations and Context
HRMT20024 Managing Human Resources
FINC20018 Managerial Finance
COIT20268 Responsive Web Design
COIT20259 Enterprise Computing Architecture
COIT20258 Software Engineering
COIT20257 Distributed Systems: Principles and Development
COIT20264 Enterprise and Cloud Networking
COIT20270 App Development for Mobile Platforms
COIT20271 Mobile Game Development
PPMP20010 Executing and Closing Projects
COIT20262 Advanced Network Security
COIT20263 Information Security Management
COIT20269 Mobile Web App Development
COIT20275 Systems Science and Engineering
STAT20029 Statistics for Managerial Decisions
COIT20255 ERP Systems Management
PPMP20009 Leading Lean Projects