CQUniversity Unit Profile
SOWK14010 Integrating Theory and Practice 2
Integrating Theory and Practice 2
All details in this unit profile for SOWK14010 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.

Unit Profile Correction added on 16-07-24

In the Assessment Tasks tab, the following needs to be added for each assessment task: 1. Capstone Project Design Plan Assessment Length: 10-15 PowerPoint Slides (1500 words) 2. Capstone Project Implementation Poster Session Assessment Length: 4-5-minute audio presentation with Infographic 3. Capstone Project Report and Reflection Assessment Length: 2000 words

General Information


The final theory unit in the Bachelor of Social Work course equips you with an advanced understanding of social work theory and its application to real-world practice. Building on the foundational knowledge acquired in Field Education 1 (SOWK13009) and Integrating Theory and Practice 1 (SOWK13010), this unit emphasises the importance of applying research knowledge and skills in addressing the needs and aspirations of individuals, groups, and communities to achieve equitable outcomes. You will demonstrate your capacity to employ research knowledge and skills in your practice, as well as utilising research to inform your professional development. This unit is a co-requisite to SOWK14009 and can only be undertaken concurrently with field education.


Career Level: Undergraduate
Unit Level: Level 4
Credit Points: 6
Student Contribution Band: 10
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load: 0.125

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites

Prerequisites: SOWK13009, SOWK13010, SOWK14005, SOWK14006 Corequisite: SOWK14009 Fieldwork Education 2

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Offerings For Term 2 - 2024

Mixed Mode

Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes – in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Residential Schools

This unit has a Compulsory Residential School for distance mode students and the details are:
Click here to see your Residential School Timetable.

Class and Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 6-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.

Class Timetable

Bundaberg, Cairns, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

Assessment Overview

1. Presentation
Weighting: 30%
2. Poster Sessions
Weighting: 30%
3. Report
Weighting: 40%

Assessment Grading

This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of ‘pass’ in order to pass the unit. If any ‘pass/fail’ tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully (‘pass’ grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the ‘assessment task’ section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University’s Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.

Previous Student Feedback

Feedback, Recommendations and Responses

Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.

Feedback from Have your Say


Information on 'what to do' when the practice issue has limited or no evidence base


Expand on practice-based evidence as part of the unit to improve critique.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
  1. Facilitate and engage in peer supervision, demonstrating advanced understanding of social work principles, reflective practice, and constructive feedback.
  2. Critically analyse and integrate reflective practice frameworks to understand the role of theories, knowledge bases, and knowledge sources in social work practice.
  3. Select and apply appropriate interventions to address clients' and service users' needs and circumstances, while upholding social work values and ethics.
  4. Communicate effectively, presenting knowledge and ideas in various contexts, and adapt skills to diverse situations.

The learning outcomes in this unit are aligned with the AASW social work graduate attributes outlined in the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards (ASWEAS) 2021.

Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
N/A Level
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Professional Level
Advanced Level

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes

Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Presentation - 30%
2 - Report - 40%
3 - Poster Sessions - 30%

Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Communication
2 - Problem Solving
3 - Critical Thinking
4 - Information Literacy
5 - Team Work
6 - Information Technology Competence
7 - Cross Cultural Competence
8 - Ethical practice
9 - Social Innovation
10 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures
Textbooks and Resources


There are no required textbooks.

IT Resources

You will need access to the following IT resources:
  • CQUniversity Student Email
  • Internet
  • Unit Website (Moodle)
Referencing Style

All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)

For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.

Teaching Contacts
Emily Cleary Unit Coordinator
Week 1 Begin Date: 08 Jul 2024


Introduction to Social Work Evidence-Based Practice


Readings outlined on Moodle 

Events and Submissions/Topic

Initial Unit Discussion and Introductory Quiz

Week 2 Begin Date: 15 Jul 2024


Introduction to Social Work Evidence-Based Practice


Readings outlined on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Unit material review and discussions

Week 3 Begin Date: 22 Jul 2024


Identifying a Social Work Practice Issue


Readings outlined on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Literature Review Discussion

Week 4 Begin Date: 29 Jul 2024


Identifying a Social Work Practice issue 


Readings outlined on Moodle 

Events and Submissions/Topic

Formulating a research question and seeking feedback

Week 5 Begin Date: 05 Aug 2024


Research and Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice Interventions


Readings outlined on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Capstone Project Design Plan Due: Week 5 Friday (9 Aug 2024) 11:59 pm AEST
Vacation Week Begin Date: 12 Aug 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 6 Begin Date: 19 Aug 2024


Research and Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice Interventions


Readings outlined on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 7 Begin Date: 26 Aug 2024


Preparation of Infographic and presentation 


Readings outlined on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Creating a Visually Appealing and Informative infographic

Week 8 Begin Date: 02 Sep 2024


Preparation of Infographic and presentation 


Readings outlined on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Creating a Visually Appealing and Informative infographic

Week 9 Begin Date: 09 Sep 2024


Applications of Evidence to Practice and Report Writing


Readings outlined on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Capstone Project Implementation Poster Session Due: Week 9 Monday (9 Sept 2024) 11:59 pm AEST
Week 10 Begin Date: 16 Sep 2024


Applications of Evidence to Practice and Report Writing


Readings outlined on Moodle 

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 11 Begin Date: 23 Sep 2024


Synthesising Research Findings 


Readings outlined on Moodle 

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 12 Begin Date: 30 Sep 2024


Critical Reflective Practice 


Readings outlined on Moodle 

Events and Submissions/Topic

Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 07 Oct 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Capstone Project Report and Reflection Due: Review/Exam Week Monday (7 Oct 2024) 11:59 pm AEST
Exam Week Begin Date: 14 Oct 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Assessment Tasks

1 Presentation

Assessment Title
Capstone Project Design Plan

Task Description

The aim of this assessment is to develop a plan for the Capstone Project you will work on throughout the term. A Capstone Project is a culminating activity undertaken in the final term of your study. This project is designed to synthesise and apply the knowledge, skills, and values acquired throughout your course.

This assessment is a practical demonstration of your readiness for social work practice and ability to engage in evidence-informed, ethical social work practice. The Capstone Project is assessed in three parts. This first assessment task leads you toward your final Capstone Project Submission. The Capstone Project can be either (a) developed and implemented in your agency or (b) developed to the point that it could be implemented in your agency where you are undertaking placement.  Further information about this process will be outlined in the unit on Moodle. This plan will integrate theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing you for graduate generalist social work practice. 

You will initiate a supervision session with your supervisor and other key stakeholders in the placement relevant to your Capstone Project following the learning materials provided in Moodle. You must demonstrate organisation and self-direction to ensure these supervisory processes are efficient and collaborative. Once you have a suitable project, you can develop your Capstone Project Plan. You may add this project to your learning agreement if your supervision team supports it.


N.B. You are not required to implement the project in your placement agency. If you decide to incorporate this project into your placement, you are welcome to do so. If you include this project, the same academic integrity standards apply. The work must be your own.


Please follow the steps below to complete your assessment task:

1. Capstone Project Description:

   - Explain the project's importance in social work.

   - Highlight its relevance to your professional development.

2. Issue/Challenge Identification:

   - Identify a specific social work issue.

   - Provide background within your agency.

3. Project Objectives and Goals:

   - Clearly outline measurable objectives and goals.

4. Methodology and Data Collection:

   - Describe data collection methods and rationale.

5. Key Milestones and Timeline:

   - Provide project timeline and milestones.

6. Expected Outcomes and Impact:

   - Discuss expected outcomes and impact on the agency and its clients.

7. Alignment with AASW Practice Standards:

   - Demonstrate alignment with AASW Practice Standards and unit learning outcomes.


Literature and references
In this assessment, use at least 10 contemporary references (<5 years) sourced from the CQUniversity library in this assessment to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian College of Nursing or the Australian Association of Social Workers.


·      You may write in the first-person perspective (I, my) for reflective writing tasks, or as directed by your lecturer.

·      Use formal academic language.

·      Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online CQU APA Referencing Style Guide.


·      You can use unit provided materials and other credible sources (e.g. journal articles, books) to reference your argument. The quality and credibility of your sources are important.

·      We recommend that you access your discipline specific library guide: the Social Work and Community Services Guide.

·      We recommend you use EndNote to manage your citations and reference list. More information on how to use EndNote is available at the CQUniversity Library website.

·      For information on academic communication please go to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication section has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language.

·      Submit a draft before the due date to review your Turnitin Similarity Score before making a final submission. Instructions are available here.


Submit your assessment via the unit Moodle site in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint format only.


Learning Outcomes Assessed
·      Facilitate and engage in peer supervision, demonstrating advanced understanding of social work principles, reflective practice, and constructive feedback.

·      Communicate effectively, presenting knowledge and ideas in various contexts, and adapt skills to diverse situations.

Generative Artificial Intelligence Statement
The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools, including AI-driven writing[AM1] [AM2]  assistants and content generators, is not permitted in this assessment. This social work practice standard is based on the requirement for students to demonstrate essential human capacities, skills, and knowledge crucial for social work practice as outlined by the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards (ASWEAS, 2021). Social work relies on human interaction, empathy, ethical decision-making, and effective communication—skills that cannot be adequately assessed through AI-generated content. To ensure the integrity and development of these capabilities, students must verify that any grammar or writing enhancement programs used do not incorporate AI components. Compliance with this social work practice standard is vital for meeting ASWEAS graduate attributes and preparing for professional practice.


Assessment Due Date

Week 5 Friday (9 Aug 2024) 11:59 pm AEST


Return Date to Students

Week 7 Friday (30 Aug 2024)



Assessment Criteria

Marking Criteria  HD 84.5-100%  D 74.50-84.49%  C 64.50-74.49%  P 49.50 – 64.49%  F <49% 
Consultation and Reflection in Project Planning (15%) 

12.75 - 15

Provides comprehensive evidence of consultation and feedback incorporation with colleagues, peers, and the supervisor. Demonstrates high engagement and effective feedback adaptation, suitable for both developmental and implemented projects.

11.25 – 12.5

It shows strong evidence of consultation and feedback incorporation, with minor engagement or adaptation gaps.

9.75 - 11

Provides good evidence of consultation, though engagement and feedback adaptation are somewhat basic.

7.5 – 9.5

Evidence of consultation is minimal, with feedback poorly incorporated.


Evidence of consultation or feedback is not incorporated, showing poor collaborative effort.

Identification of Issue/Challenge (10%)

8.5 – 10

Excellently identifies and describes a specific social work issue or challenge with a comprehensive contextual background within the placement agency.

7.5 – 8.25

Identifies and articulates issues with a strong background but minor gaps in context or detail.

6.5 – 7.25

Adequately identifies a social work issue, with some relevant background but lacking full context.

5 – 6.25

Essential identification of an issue with minimal and somewhat irrelevant background.


Fails to identify or describe a relevant social work issue or challenge.

Project Objectives and Goals (10%)

8.5 – 10

The objectives and goals are specific, measurable, and perfectly aligned with the project aims, demonstrating precise planning and relevance.

7.5 – 8.25

Objectives and goals are clear, but there are minor gaps in specificity or alignment.

6.5 – 7.25

Objectives and goals are outlined but lack some specificity or precise alignment with project aims.

5 – 6.25

Objectives and goals are vague and poorly aligned with project aims.


Objectives and goals are missing or completely misaligned with the project aims.

Methodology and Data Collection (10%)

8.5 – 10

Provides a detailed and justified description of data collection methods and tools, explaining their implementation and alignment with the project's needs.

7.5 – 8.25

Methods and tools are described well, but there are minor gaps in justification or detail.

6.5 – 7.25

Describes methods and tools but lacks detail or clarity on implementation.

5 – 6.25

The methodology is mentioned but lacks justification or detailed explanation.


The methodology is inappropriate, unjustified, or not mentioned.

Key Milestones and Timeline (15%)

12.75 - 15

Presents a detailed timeline with clearly defined milestones, including steps and expected completion dates that are realistic and structured.

11.25 – 12.5

Timelines and milestones are well-defined but lack some detail or realistic planning.

9.75 - 11

Timelines and milestones are provided but lack some details or realism.

7.5 – 9.5

Basic timeline with vague milestones and unclear steps.


Milestones or timelines are missing or completely unrealistic.

Expected Outcomes and Impact (15%)

12.75 - 15

Thoroughly discusses anticipated outcomes with a detailed explanation of the potential impact on the agency and its clients, demonstrating significant relevance and understanding.

11.25 – 12.5

Discusses outcomes well with some minor gaps in depth or significance of impact.

9.75 - 11

Adequate discussion of outcomes with minimal explanation of impact.

7.5 – 9.5

Mentions expected outcomes but with minimal or no explanation of effects.


No discussion of outcomes or impact.

Clarity, quality & structure of the writing; quality & use of referencing, intext citations, & adherence to APA (7th ed) referencing style (10%)

8.5 - 10

Excellent presentation of the assignment. Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar, and the organisation and structure are clear and easy to follow.  

Consistently integrates references to support and reflect all ideas, information, and quotations.   

Consistently accurate with in-text referencing.  


A well-presented assignment. Minimal (1-2) critical spelling, grammar, and structure errors. The organisation and structure are clear and relatively easy to follow. 

Generally, integrates references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations with a few exceptions. Mostly consistent in-text referencing errors.   


A competently presented assignment. A few (3-4) critical spelling, grammar, or structure errors. Organisation and structure are appropriate and can be followed.  

Frequently integrates references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with several exceptions. Several consistent in-text referencing errors.  


An adequately presented assignment. Several (5-6) critical spelling, grammar, or structure errors. Organisation and structure are apparent although not easy to follow.  

Occasionally integrates references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with numerous exceptions. Frequent in-text referencing errors.   


Poorly presented assignment with many (>6) spelling, grammar, or structure errors. Organisation and structure lack clarity and are difficult to follow.  

Fails to or infrequent attempts to integrate references to support & reflect ideas, information & quotations. In-text referencing fails to demonstrate understanding of APA referencing style.

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Submit online using PowerPoint

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Facilitate and engage in peer supervision, demonstrating advanced understanding of social work principles, reflective practice, and constructive feedback.
  • Communicate effectively, presenting knowledge and ideas in various contexts, and adapt skills to diverse situations.

2 Poster Sessions

Assessment Title
Capstone Project Implementation Poster Session

Task Description

This assessment aims to develop your ability to communicate complex information gathered during your Capstone Project using digital tools. Creating and presenting a digital infographic will consolidate and visually communicate the outcomes of your research, data findings, or consultations to date. This task enhances your data synthesis, digital design, and public communication skills, which are integral to professional social work practice.

Connections with the Capstone Project Overall

This task ties directly into the broader objectives of your Capstone Project by focusing on the application and communication of your research and project findings to date. It allows you to showcase how you have applied social work theories and methods to real-world issues, demonstrating your analytical and creative abilities. This assessment also provides a platform to reflect on the entire project's process and outcomes, helping to cement your learning and identify areas for future development.

By completing this task, you will demonstrate your research, analytical skills, and proficiency in utilizing tools to enhance understanding and engagement with complex social issues. This combination of skills is crucial for contemporary social work practice.

Please follow the steps below to complete your assessment task:

1.    Select Your Focus: Choose to focus your infographic on either:

o   Data Collection and Findings - detailing the methodologies, data collected, and any results.

o   Consolidation of Outcomes about the Social Issue or Problem - summarising the outcomes from your research, consultations, and the implications for social work practice.

2.    Gather and Organise Content: Compile all necessary information, ensuring it is organised. This includes data, consultation feedback, research findings, and relevant statistics.

3.    Design the Infographic:

o   Use a digital tool like Adobe Illustrator, Canva, or Piktochart. For guidance on creating effective infographics, visit Canvas Design School, which offers comprehensive tips and tutorials.

o   Plan your layout to ensure the infographic is logical and visually appealing. Consider how best to represent data and text to make the content engaging and easily understood.

4.    Create and Refine Your Infographic:

o   Implement your design, incorporating visual elements like charts, graphs, and icons.

o   Review your infographic for clarity, accuracy, and impact. Make necessary adjustments based on this evaluation.

5.    Record Your Presentation:

o   Prepare a concise presentation where you explain the critical elements of your infographic. Discuss the relevance of your findings or outcomes to social work practice.

o   Record your presentation, ensuring good quality audio and stable video. Make sure the infographic is visible and your explanation is audible.

o   Briefly indicate how you have consulted or engaged in supervision or sought the feedback of others in your findings. Highlight how this feedback has shaped your project and the development of your infographic.

6.    Submit Your Work:

o   Upload both the infographic and your video presentation to Moodle. Ensure that your files are compatible with Moodle's supported formats and that the file sizes are manageable for easy uploading and viewing.

Literature and references
In this assessment use at least 10 contemporary references (<5 years) sourced from the CQUniversity library in this assessment to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian College of Nursing or the Australian Association of Social Workers.

·      You may write in the first-person perspective (I, my) for reflective writing tasks, or as directed by your lecturer.

·      Use formal academic language.

·      Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online CQU APA Referencing Style Guide.

·      You can use unit provided materials and other credible sources (e.g. journal articles, books) to reference your argument. The quality and credibility of your sources are important.

·      We recommend that you access your discipline specific library guide: the Social Work and Community Services Guide.

·      We recommend you use EndNote to manage your citations and reference list. More information on how to use EndNote is available at the CQUniversity Library website.

·      For information on academic communication please go to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication section has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language.

·      Submit a draft before the due date to review your Turnitin Similarity Score before making a final submission. Instructions are available here.

Submit your assessment via the unit Moodle site in Microsoft Word format only.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Facilitate and engage in peer supervision, demonstrating advanced understanding of social work principles, reflective practice, and constructive feedback.

·      Critically analyse and integrate reflective practice frameworks to understand the role of theories, knowledge bases, and knowledge sources in social work practice.

·      Select and apply appropriate interventions to address clients' and service users' needs and circumstances, while upholding social work values and ethics.

·      Communicate effectively, presenting knowledge and ideas in various contexts, and adapt skills to diverse situations.

Generative Artificial Intelligence Statement
Generative artificial intelligence (Gen-AI) includes a range of computer programs that use data sets and computer-generated information to create new content.   For this assessment you may use Gen-AI to help you to understand the question, explain research concepts and check references are in the correct format. If you use Gen-AI, you should include a statement that declares that you have used Gen-AI and how you have used Gen-AI. 

You should not use Gen-AI in the creation or critical analysis of the content or to write or rewrite any part of your assessment. Caution should be applied when using programs such as Grammarly and Chat GPT.  You should be aware that Gen-AI output can be incorrect and can include fictitious references and sources. 

Assessment Due Date

Week 9 Monday (9 Sept 2024) 11:59 pm AEST


Return Date to Students

Week 11 Friday (27 Sept 2024)



Assessment Criteria

  HD 84.5-100%  D 74.50-84.49%  C 64.50-74.49%  P 49.50 – 64.49%  F <49% 
Content Accuracy and Depth (35%) 

29.75 - 35

The content is accurate, exceptionally detailed, and provides comprehensive insights.

26.25 – 29.5

The content is accurate and has good detail; there is a minor lack of depth in some areas.

22.75 - 26

Content covers basic information but lacks depth; some inaccuracies may be present.

17.5 - 22.5

The content covers essential points but lacks detail and is inaccurate. 


Significant inaccuracies and lack of necessary detail and depth.

Visual Design and Creativity (25%) 

21.25 - 25

The infographic is professionally presented; design enhances readability, and creativity is evident.

18.75 - 21

Visually appealing and well organised, some creativity was shown.

16.25 – 18.5

Adequate design but lacks cohesion or creativity.

12.5 - 16

The design is adequate; some elements may not support the content.


Poor visual appeal and design; visuals do not support content.

Clarity and Organisation (15%) 

12.75 - 15

Exceptionally well organised and presented logically; easy to understand.

11.25 – 12.5

Well organised, with minor lapses in clarity.

9.75 - 11

It is somewhat organised, but the presentation may confuse viewers.

7.5 – 9.5

The organisation lacks clarity and is hard to follow.


Lacks organisation and is difficult to follow.

Presentation Skills (15%)

12.75 - 15

Engaging, clear, and well-paced; enhances understanding of the infographic.

11.25 – 12.5

Clear and maintains interest but may lack engagement or vary in pace.

9.75 - 11

Covers basic points but lacks clarity or engagement.

7.5 – 9.5

Unclear, rushed, or monotonous presentation.


Fails to convey the message effectively; very poor presentation.

Incorporation of Feedback (10%)

8.5 - 10

Excellent incorporation of feedback; clear evidence of reflective adaptation.

7.5 – 8.25

Good incorporation of feedback, though some points were overlooked.

6.5 – 7.25

Some feedback was incorporated but not substantially reflected.

5 – 6.25

Minimal or no evidence of feedback incorporation.


No evidence of feedback incorporation or reflection.

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Facilitate and engage in peer supervision, demonstrating advanced understanding of social work principles, reflective practice, and constructive feedback.
  • Critically analyse and integrate reflective practice frameworks to understand the role of theories, knowledge bases, and knowledge sources in social work practice.
  • Select and apply appropriate interventions to address clients' and service users' needs and circumstances, while upholding social work values and ethics.
  • Communicate effectively, presenting knowledge and ideas in various contexts, and adapt skills to diverse situations.

3 Report

Assessment Title
Capstone Project Report and Reflection

Task Description

The aim of this assessment is to synthesise the research, methodologies, and interventions explored throughout the Capstone Project, evaluating their effectiveness and alignment with social work theories and ethical practices.

You are writing a report that requires you to critically analyse how reflective practices have influenced the project's outcomes and to propose evidence-based recommendations for future social work interventions. You will demonstrate your ability to integrate academic knowledge with practical application, which will prepare you for professional social work practice while contributing to the field's body of knowledge.

Please follow the steps below to complete your report. The following headings should be used for your report. The questions serve as prompts for each section of the report. You can supplement your report with appendices such as any artifacts or supporting documentation that enhance the report.


1.    What were the initial goals and objectives of your Capstone Project, and how did they aim to address the identified social work issue?

2.    How have the methodologies and interventions planned in Assessment 1 (Project Plan) been pivotal in addressing these goals?

Theoretical Framework and Reflective Practice

3.    Which social work theories and reflective practice frameworks have you integrated into your Capstone Project?

4.    Critically analyse how applying these theories and frameworks impacted your decision-making and the effectiveness of your implemented or proposed interventions.

Synthesis of Project Findings

5.    What are the key findings from your research, including data from the infographic presented in Assessment 2?

6.    How have these findings influenced your understanding of the client's needs and the outcomes of your interventions?

Recommendations for Future Practice

7.    Based on your analysis, what comprehensive recommendations can you propose for future social work interventions?

8.    Discuss how these recommendations could be implemented practically, considering ethical considerations and cultural competence.


9.    Reflect on your personal and professional growth throughout the Capstone Project. How has this project prepared, encouraged, or challenged you?

10. What contributions does or could your project make to the field? What future research areas have emerged from your findings?


11. Are all sources cited correctly according to APA 7th edition guidelines, and do they effectively support your analysis and recommendations?

Literature and references
In this assessment, use at least 10 contemporary references (<5 years) sourced from the CQUniversity library in this assessment to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian College of Nursing or the Australian Association of Social Workers.

·      Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman, with 2.0 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).

·      Include page numbers on the top right side of each page in a header.

·      You may write in the first-person perspective (I, my) for reflective writing tasks, or as directed by your lecturer.

·      Use formal academic language.

·      Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online CQU APA Referencing Style Guide.

·      The word count is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text references and direct quotations.

·      You can use unit provided materials and other credible sources (e.g. journal articles, books) to reference your argument. The quality and credibility of your sources are important.

·      We recommend that you access your discipline specific library guide: the Social Work and Community Services Guide.

·      We recommend you use EndNote to manage your citations and reference list. More information on how to use EndNote is available at the CQUniversity Library website.

·      For information on academic communication please go to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication section has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language.

·      Submit a draft before the due date to review your Turnitin Similarity Score before making a final submission. Instructions are available here.

Submit your assessment via the unit Moodle site in Microsoft Word format only.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
·      Critically analyse and integrate reflective practice frameworks to understand the role of theories, knowledge bases, and knowledge sources in social work practice.

·      Select and apply appropriate interventions to address clients' and service users' needs and circumstances, while upholding social work values and ethics.

Generative Artificial Intelligence Statement
The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools, including AI-driven writing assistants and content generators, is not permitted in this assessment. This social work practice standard is based on the requirement for students to demonstrate essential human capacities, skills, and knowledge crucial for social work practice as outlined by the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards (ASWEAS, 2021). Social work relies on human interaction, empathy, ethical decision-making, and effective communication—skills that cannot be adequately assessed through AI-generated content. To ensure the integrity and development of these capabilities, students must verify that any grammar or writing enhancement programs used do not incorporate AI components. Compliance with this social work practice standard is vital for meeting ASWEAS graduate attributes and preparing for professional practice.

Assessment Due Date

Review/Exam Week Monday (7 Oct 2024) 11:59 pm AEST


Return Date to Students

Exam Week Friday (18 Oct 2024)

2 weeks post submission


Assessment Criteria

  HD 84.5-100%  D 74.50-84.49%  C 64.50-74.49%  P 49.50 – 64.49%  F <49% 
Introduction and Goals (10%)

8.5 - 10

It provides an exceptional and insightful overview of the project's goals and relevance, with a thorough explanation of how methodologies address these goals.

7.5 – 8.25

Provides a clear and detailed overview with strong relevance and explanation.

6.5 – 7.25

Adequately describes goals and methodology linkage. 


5 – 6.25

The basic overview is given with some relevance and explanation. 


Inadequate or unclear description of goals or relevance.

Theoretical Framework and Reflective Practice (25%) 

21.25 - 25

Outstanding critical analysis and integration of social work theories and reflective practice that impact decision-making and intervention effectiveness. 

18.75 - 21

Robust analysis and integration with minor gaps. Impacts decisions and interventions. 

16.25 – 18.5

Good integration and analysis with some impact shown. 

12.5 - 16

Basic integration and analysis, minimal impact demonstrated. 


It lacks critical analysis or integration and has no clear impact on decisions or interventions.

Synthesis of Findings (25%) 

21.25 - 25

Excellent synthesis of research and findings, providing deep insights into client needs and outcomes with comprehensive analysis.

18.75 - 21

Strong synthesis with clear insights and good analysis. 

16.25 – 18.5

Adequate synthesis and analysis with some clear insights.

12.5 - 16

Basic synthesis lacks depth in insights or analysis.


Poor or no synthesis, minimal or no insights or analysis provided.

Recommendations for Practice (25%) 

21.25 - 25

Exceptionally well-developed and feasible recommendations, thoroughly justified with ethical considerations and cultural competence.

18.75 - 21

These are very well-developed recommendations that are well-justified with good consideration of ethics and culture.

16.25 – 18.5

Good recommendations with some justification and consideration.

12.5 - 16

Basic recommendations, minimal justification, or ethical considerations.


Recommendations lacking, unjustified, or inappropriate.

Conclusion and Personal Reflection (15%)


A profound reflection on personal and professional growth, with insightful contributions to the field and future research implications.


Strong reflection and contribution with clear future implications.


Adequate reflection and contribution, some future implications noted.


Basic reflection, limited contribution, or future implications.


Minimal or no reflection, no clear contributions or implications. 

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Critically analyse and integrate reflective practice frameworks to understand the role of theories, knowledge bases, and knowledge sources in social work practice.
  • Select and apply appropriate interventions to address clients' and service users' needs and circumstances, while upholding social work values and ethics.

Academic Integrity Statement

As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.

Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.

When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.

Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.

As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.

What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.

Why is academic integrity important?

A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.

Where can I get assistance?

For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.

What can you do to act with integrity?