CQUniversity Unit Profile
MGMT20144 Management and Business Context
Management and Business Context
All details in this unit profile for MGMT20144 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information


This unit will provide you with foundational skills and knowledge covering contemporary business issues, organisational and business practices. You will have the opportunity to develop essential business skills, gain knowledge across various business contexts, and examine the functions of diverse organisational types. We will assess the impacts of environmental forces on organisations, examine the risks confronting businesses, and discuss practices adopted to mitigate these risks, including innovation, e-commerce, knowledge management, and cross-cultural management. Throughout the unit, we will utilize illustrative real-world examples, and case studies to provide tangible insights into the course concepts. This unit will enable you to engage in robust discussions regarding governance options for different organisations and examine contemporary processes like regionalisation, emerging world markets, global governance and globalisation. This unit will cultivate transferable business skills for potential future consulting roles, and management skills for organisational leadership positions.


Career Level: Postgraduate
Unit Level: Level 8
Credit Points: 6
Student Contribution Band: 10
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load: 0.125

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites

There are no requisites for this unit.

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Offerings For Term 1 - 2025


Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes - in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Class and Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 6-credit Postgraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.

Class Timetable

Bundaberg, Cairns, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

Assessment Overview

1. Case Study
Weighting: 30%
2. Presentation
Weighting: 30%
3. Reflective Practice Assignment
Weighting: 40%

Assessment Grading

This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit. If any 'pass/fail' tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully ('pass' grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the 'assessment task' section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University's Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.

Previous Student Feedback

Feedback, Recommendations and Responses

Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.

Feedback from Student feedback - formal unit evaluation responses and Unit Coordinator's self-reflection


Unclear assessment requirements


The assessment tasks, especially Assessment 1 should be carefully reviewed and revised to ensure that the tasks are clear and easy to follow for students and staff.

Feedback from Unit Coordinator's self-reflection


Need experienced casual to teach this unit1


Need to select experienced casuals for the unit, who understand Moodle and CQU's culture well and work collaboratively with the UC.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
  1. Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
  2. Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
  3. Communicate an understanding of contemporary internal and external contextual factors affecting organisations
  4. Evaluate complex problems relevant to internal and external contextual factors in organisational environments
  5. Recommend creative solutions to contemporary challenges facing businesses to a variety of audiences and stakeholders.

This is not applicable. 

Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
N/A Level
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Professional Level
Advanced Level

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes

Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5
1 - Case Study - 30%
2 - Presentation - 30%
3 - Reflective Practice Assignment - 40%

Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5
1 - Knowledge
2 - Communication
3 - Cognitive, technical and creative skills
4 - Research
5 - Self-management
6 - Ethical and Professional Responsibility
7 - Leadership
8 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures
Textbooks and Resources


There are no required textbooks.

IT Resources

You will need access to the following IT resources:
  • CQUniversity Student Email
  • Internet
  • Unit Website (Moodle)
Referencing Style

All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)

For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.

Teaching Contacts
Huong Le Unit Coordinator
Week 1 Begin Date: 10 Mar 2025


Topic 1: Business and Governance Structures



Chapple, E., Copp, R., Baumfield, R., Cunningham, R., Harpur, P., Baumfield, Richard, & Cunningham, Rosemary. (2016). Company Law (1st ed.). Melbourne: Wiley. Module 1: Business Organisations 

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Unit Introduction

- Details of Moodle and unit resources

- Expectations of student engagement with the unit

- Topic 1 - Workshop activities 

Week 2 Begin Date: 17 Mar 2025


Topic 2: Impact of Environmental Forces on Organisations


Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2012). Strategic management cases: competitiveness and globalisation. Cengage Learning. Chapter 2.

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 2 - Workshop activities 


Week 3 Begin Date: 24 Mar 2025


Topic 3: Risks Confronting the Firm


Henderson, D. (2017). The Manager's Guide to Risk Assessment. Brooksfield: Rothstein Associates, Incorporated. Chapter 1.

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 3 - Workshop activities 

- Preparing for Assessment 1

- Forming group for Assessment 2


Week 4 Begin Date: 31 Mar 2025


Topic 4: Organisation and Business Practices


Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2016). Strategy and human resource management (4th ed., Management, work, and organisations). Chapter 3.

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 4 - Workshop activities 

- Preparing for Assessment 1

- Forming group for Assessment 2

Week 5 Begin Date: 07 Apr 2025


Topic 5: Business Functions of a Diverse Range of Firms



Preston, D., Watson, G., & Fryer, M. (2013). An Introduction to Business Studies. The Open University. Chapter 6- Introduction to Business Functions.

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 5 - Workshop activities 

Vacation Week Begin Date: 14 Apr 2025


No classes will be held during this week.


Events and Submissions/Topic

Mid-term Break

Week 6 Begin Date: 21 Apr 2025


Topic 6: Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Frederick, H. H., Kuratko, D. F., & O'Connor, A. (2015). Entrepreneurship: Theory/Process/Practice with Student Resource Access for 12 Months. Cengage AU. Chapter 1.

Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. (2014). Strategic innovation management. John Wiley & Sons. Chapter 1.

For additional resources refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 6 - Workshop activities 


CASE STUDY (INDIVIDUAL) Due: Week 6 Monday (21 Apr 2025) 5:00 pm AEST
Week 7 Begin Date: 28 Apr 2025


Topic 7: Knowledge Management, Technology and eCommerce


Laudon, K., & Traver, Carol Guercio. (2017). E-commerce 2017 (13th edition, Global ed.). Essex: Pearson Education Ltd. Chapter 1: Introduction to Ecommerce.

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 7 - Workshop activities 

- Preparing for Assessment 2

Week 8 Begin Date: 05 May 2025


Topic 8: Regionalisation and Globalisation


Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., & Coulter, M. (2018). Management (8th Ed), Pearson Australia. Chapter 4: Global Management.

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 8 - Workshop activities 

- Prepare for Assessment 2

Week 9 Begin Date: 12 May 2025


Topic 9: Cross-cultural Issues, Diversity and International Management


Livermore, D. (2015). Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success.  Chapter 1: Culture matters: Why you need Cultural Intelligence.

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 9 - Workshop activities 

- Prepare for Assessment 3

Week 10 Begin Date: 19 May 2025


Topic 10: Contemporary issues: Change, Resilience, and Sustainability




Reuvid, J. (2014). Managing business risk a practical guide to protecting your business (10th ed.). London: Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page. Section 1.1: Beyond resilience.

Whitfield, R. (2013). A Primer on Sustainability: In the Business Environment. Chapter 3

For additional recommended texts, journal readings, podcasts, current events, and video information refer to the unit Moodle site.

Events and Submissions/Topic

The group-led presentations and discussions undertaken during the class.


PRESENTATION (GROUP) Due: Week 10 Monday (19 May 2025) 5:00 pm AEST
Week 11 Begin Date: 26 May 2025


Revision and Presentation



Events and Submissions/Topic

The group-led presentations and discussions undertaken during the class.

- Prepare for Assessment 3

Week 12 Begin Date: 02 Jun 2025





Events and Submissions/Topic

- Topic 10 - Workshop activities 

- Prepare for Assessment 3

Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 09 Jun 2025



Events and Submissions/Topic

REFLECTION (INDIVIDUAL) Due: Review/Exam Week Monday (9 June 2025) 5:00 pm AEST
Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 16 Jun 2025



Events and Submissions/Topic

Assessment Tasks

1 Case Study

Assessment Title

Task Description


Write a 1200-word (+/- 10%) case study analysis about Commonwealth Bank of Australia (https://www.commbank.com.au/)


I) Choose any TWO of the topics from Week 1 to Week 5 (listed below).


II) Analyse the impact of your chosen topic/s on the company’s performance and other related activities by answering the suggested questions below.


  • Topic 1: What is the governance structure of this organisation and how does the structure of this company impact its business operations and strategic choices?
  • Topic 2: What key external factors in the current market environment affect this company's financial results and management decisions?
  • Topic 3: What major risks or vulnerabilities could negatively impact this company's performance and planning, and how might the leadership team mitigate them?
  • Topic 4: What core business practices or programs does this organisation adopt and how does this company create value and compete in its industry?
  • Topic 5: What are the main functional groups or departments within this organisation, and how does each one enable and support overall performance and decision-making?

III) Students must cite recent and relevant peer-reviewed academic references in this assessment (preferably post-2019 articles).


Suggested case study structure and key points can be found on the Moodle Assessment tile.


Referencing and written communication requirements: 


Use the APA 7 referencing style consistently in in-text citations and in the reference list (See https://delivery-cqucontenthub.stylelabs.cloud/api/public/content/apa-referencing-style.pdf?v=51e1aea7)


Use of Generative AI

"This assessment requires students to adhere to the guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence tools as specified in the Artificial Intelligence Assessment Scale (AIAS). Any misuse or lack of disclosure regarding the use of AI tools will be considered a breach of academic integrity."


“You may use AI for planning, idea development, and research. Your final submission should show how you have developed and refined these ideas, and should not be written by AI.”


Assessment Due Date

Week 6 Monday (21 Apr 2025) 5:00 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

Marks will be returned in 10 working days after the submission date. Grades will be released on Moodle.


Assessment Criteria


  • Criteria 1 (10%): Introduction - Clearly outlines the purpose and scope of the case study.
  • Criteria 2 (25%): Theoretical knowledge - Demonstrates the ability to define key terms and apply the theories and concepts associated with the topic selected.
  • Criteria 3 (35%): Research and analysis - Level of research efforts demonstrated on the organisation and ability to critically analyse the impact of a range of contextual factors on the performance of the organisation, supported by recent and relevant peer-reviewed academic and other references.
  • Criteria 4 (10%): Conclusion - All aspects are drawn together in a brief and concise summary. Consistent with findings, no new materials; highlight implications for the future of the company.
  • Criteria 5 (10%): Communication - High quality of expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and proofreading.
  • Criteria 6 (10%): Referencing - Correctly use the APA referencing system to cite academic sources both in the in-text and in the reference list, including using recent and relevant peer-reviewed academic references and numerous non academic references. (industry/news/media/websites/databases on the company).


Note: Further support on writing, referencing, and recommended journals is given on the Moodle site - Assessment folder for this assignment. A session on academic writing will be provided in one of the workshops on campus or online. 

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Your submission must be uploaded via Moodle link in Word format as a .doc or .docx file.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
  • Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
  • Communicate an understanding of contemporary internal and external contextual factors affecting organisations
  • Evaluate complex problems relevant to internal and external contextual factors in organisational environments
  • Recommend creative solutions to contemporary challenges facing businesses to a variety of audiences and stakeholders.

2 Presentation

Assessment Title

Task Description


This is a group assignment that involves a 15-minute student-led live presentation and a 5-minute Q&A session after the presentation.


Assessment 2 must be completed by students in a group of about 4 students. The group presentation can be conducted over Zoom for distance/offshore students and in-person for on-campus students.


I) Joining a group

Join an Assessment 2 group through the unit's Moodle site. All members of a group must be from the same workshop since you will be presenting together during your scheduled class time. If you do not join a group yourself, you will be assigned one.


There will be no changes to Assessment 2 groups after Week 6. Please make sure that you have enrolled in the workshop class you want to attend by the Census Date (Week 4). More information and guidance on group formation are provided on Moodle.


II) Choosing a topic


Your group is required to choose ONE of the topics from Week 6 to Week 10. Some suggested questions are below for each topic. You may choose to address a different question about one of these topics in consultation with your lecturer. 

  • Topic 6: What innovative strategies could you propose to enhance creativity and innovation within your chosen organisation? Consider the differences between creativity and innovation. How could your organisation sustain everyday innovation while also cultivating disruptive thinking?
  • Topic 7: What are the key challenges for modern internet-based companies in leveraging big data, the Internet of things, and emerging technologies? Recommend creative solutions your chosen organisation could implement to harness these technologies while mitigating risks like data security, privacy concerns, and information overload.
  • Topic 8: What are the major advantages and disadvantages of globalisation for contemporary organisations? Recommend innovative strategies your chosen organisation could use to capitalise on global opportunities while also navigating challenges like cultural differences, economic instability, and geographic distance.
  • Topic 9: Should today's organisations factor in national cultural dimensions when making HR decisions, whether for international or diverse domestic workforces? Why or why not? Recommend creative solutions your chosen organisation could implement to address cultural considerations in areas like communication norms, leadership styles, and team dynamics.
  • Topic 10: How do organisations foster resilience in the face of rapid technological and environmental changes, and what strategies have proven most effective? In what ways can sustainable practices be integrated into business models to address contemporary challenges, such as climate change and resource depletion?


III) Choosing ONE organisation and developing a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation

  • The PPT should have a clear structure (Introduction, Body, Conclusion), and a reference list.
  • You must choose one real-life corporate example in your analysis.
  • Your PPT slides must include about eight (8) peer-reviewed academic references (preferably post-2019 articles), together with numerous non-academic references (industry/news/media/websites/databases).
  • This presentation should demonstrate a critical understanding of the problems associated with the relevant contextual factor, the ability to evaluate complex problems and recommend creative solutions.


Additional Group Presentation Requirements:

  • All group members need to present and participate. Each member needs to speak for 4 to 5 minutes. Therefore, divide time equally within your group.
  • You will have a Q&A session post-presentation to interact with the audience and receive Peer + Lecturer feedback or questions. (5 minutes)
  • Only ONE member of your group uploads PPT slides (no video) on Moodle.


Note: Please check Moodle for further support on forming groups, developing a PPT presentation, writing, and referencing.


Referencing and written communication requirements:

Use the APA 7 referencing style consistently in in-text citations and in the reference list (See https://delivery-cqucontenthub.stylelabs.cloud/api/public/content/apa-referencing-style.pdf?v=51e1aea7)

Use an appropriate structure with Introduction, Body, and Conclusion, and appropriate conventions of academic writing for PPT slides. 

Use of Generative AI

"This assessment requires students to adhere to the guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence tools as specified in the Artificial Intelligence Assessment Scale (AIAS). Any misuse or lack of disclosure regarding the use of AI tools will be considered a breach of academic integrity."


“You may use AI for planning, idea development, and research. Your final submission should show how you have developed and refined these ideas, and should not be written by AI.”


Assessment Due Date

Week 10 Monday (19 May 2025) 5:00 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

Marks will be returned by the end of Week 12 on Moodle.


Assessment Criteria


  • Criteria 1 (15%): Quality of the PPT presentation (visual) - Demonstrates high quality of the PPT presentation, design, and visual aids. Develop a concise and structured presentation to the required professional standard.
  • Criteria 2 (30%): Presentation style (verbal) and teamwork - Demonstrates good presentation skills and competencies within the time limit.
  • Criteria 3 (25%): Content - Demonstrates critical understanding of the problems associated with the selected contextual factors and relevant solutions regarding how the organisation can deal with contemporary challenges posed by the relevant contextual factor.
  • Criteria 4 (10%): Research - Provides strong key points in response to the chosen topic supported by research evidence.
  • Criteria 5 (10%): Corporate example(s) - Provides the strength and relevance of the argument by incorporating one appropriate real-life organisation example in the presentation.
  • Criteria 6 (5%): Referencing - Correctly use the APA referencing system to cite academic sources both in the in-text and in the reference list, including using recent and relevant peer-reviewed academic references and numerous nonacademic references. (industry/news/media/websites/databases on the company).
  • Criteria 7 (5%): Q&A - The ability to handle the Q&A session.

Referencing Style

Online Group

Submission Instructions
ONE member of your group will upload the PPT slides on Moodle.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
  • Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
  • Communicate an understanding of contemporary internal and external contextual factors affecting organisations
  • Evaluate complex problems relevant to internal and external contextual factors in organisational environments
  • Recommend creative solutions to contemporary challenges facing businesses to a variety of audiences and stakeholders.

3 Reflective Practice Assignment

Assessment Title

Task Description


Write a 2000 word reflection (+/- 10%) on the tasks below.


  1. Choose two of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (https://sdgs.un.org/goals) that align with any management practices covered in MGMT20144 (for example, social responsibility, innovation and entrepreneurship, technology integration, cross-cultural issues, diversity, and international business) and apply them to the context of an organisation you are familiar with.
  2. Reflect on the importance of these two SDG goals in the context of the chosen management practices and discuss how your chosen organisation is aligning with them.
  3. Discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing or expanding these SDGs into selected practices within the chosen organisation, and how these practices contribute to the achievement of specific SDGs.
  4. Use Generative AI (i.e., Microsoft Copilot, Pi.Ai, or ChatGPT) to develop and validate specific strategies for addressing the identified challenges and opportunities related to the SDGs within the chosen organisation.
  5. Reflect on how the use of Generative AI has influenced your thinking and understanding of the SDGs in the context of management and business. Consider how GenAI tools have helped you explore and analyse the SDGs, particularly in relation to key business topics such as social responsibility, innovation, diversity, or technology integration, as mentioned above. Discuss any new insights gained or shifts in perspective that occurred as a result of leveraging AI in this process.


Assignment guidelines and the template can be found on the Moodle Assessment tile.


References: It is not mandatory to include numerous academic references in this assignment. However, if you refer to specific concepts or theories from the unit's topic contents or other sources to validate strategies, you must properly cite them using the APA 7 referencing style.


Use of AI Tools (e.g., Microsoft Copilot, Pi.Ai, ChatGPT)


You are encouraged to use Microsoft Copilot, Pi.Ai, or ChatGPT to assist in researching and generating ideas about the selected SDGs and how they relate to your chosen organisation.

Important: You must paraphrase any AI-generated content and incorporate it into your analysis. Avoid directly copying text. The goal is to critically engage with AI responses and combine them with your own reflection and external sources.

Use of Generative AI

"This assessment requires students to adhere to the guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence tools as specified in the Artificial Intelligence Assessment Scale (AIAS). Any misuse or lack of disclosure regarding the use of AI tools will be considered a breach of academic integrity."


“You may use AI to assist with specific tasks such as drafting text, refining and evaluating your work. You must critically evaluate and modify any AI-generated content you use.


Assessment Due Date

Review/Exam Week Monday (9 June 2025) 5:00 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

Feedback and marks will be released to students on the certification of grades.


Assessment Criteria

  • Criteria 1 (5%): Introduction & Selection of SDGs - Choice of two (2) SDGs and a reflection on how the chosen organisation can achieve these goals.
  • Criteria 2 (5%): Selection of management practices - Choice of two (2) management practices (for example, social responsibility, innovation and entrepreneurship, technology integration, cross-cultural issues, diversity, and international business) and their connection to the two chosen SDGs.
  • Criteria 3 (20%): Business Integration of SDGs - Reflection on the importance of two SDG goals in the context of the chosen management practice/s. Discuss how these SDGs are integrated into the business and how your chosen organisation aligns with them, supported by examples.
  • Criteria 4 (20%): Challenges and opportunities - Analysis of challenges and opportunities pertaining to the SDGs and management practice/s in your chosen organisation.
  • Criteria 5 (20%): Overcoming the challenges - Development and validation of specific strategies for addressing the identified challenges and opportunities using generative AI platforms.
  • Criteria 6 (30%): Reflection - Reflection on how using Generative AI has influenced your thinking and understanding of the SDGs in the context of management and business.

See the marking rubric for more details

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Your submission must be uploaded on the Unit Moodle site.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
  • Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
  • Communicate an understanding of contemporary internal and external contextual factors affecting organisations
  • Evaluate complex problems relevant to internal and external contextual factors in organisational environments

Academic Integrity Statement

As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.

Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.

When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.

Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.

As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.

What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.

Why is academic integrity important?

A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.

Where can I get assistance?

For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.

What can you do to act with integrity?