CQUniversity Unit Profile
MDWF12006 Midwifery Practice 2
Midwifery Practice 2
All details in this unit profile for MDWF12006 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information


This clinical placement unit is the second of four that provides you with midwifery clinical experience. You will have the opportunity to assess, plan, provide, and evaluate the physiological and psychosocial care of the woman experiencing complex factors. Complexities may arise during the antenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal period and include the fetus and neonate. You will provide care in collaboration and consultation with the intra and interprofessional team utilising the Australian College of Midwives 'National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral'. The clinical practicum component of this unit will require you to complete a minimum of 224 hours in addition to Continuity of Care Experiences (COCE).


Career Level: Undergraduate
Unit Level: Level 2
Credit Points: 12
Student Contribution Band: 7
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load: 0.25

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites

Co-requisite: MDWF12005 Foundations of Midwifery 2

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Offerings For Term 2 - 2024

Mixed Mode

Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes – in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Class and Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 12-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 25 hours of study per week, making a total of 300 hours for the unit.

Class Timetable

Bundaberg, Cairns, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

Assessment Overview

1. Poster Sessions
Weighting: 40%
2. Portfolio
Weighting: 60%
3. Professional Practice Placement
Weighting: Pass/Fail

Assessment Grading

This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit. If any 'pass/fail' tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully ('pass' grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the 'assessment task' section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University's Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.

Previous Student Feedback

Feedback, Recommendations and Responses

Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.

Feedback from Student emails


There have been some technical issues with the submission of clinical assessments highlighted by students during the term.


Prior to term one 2022, assessments were submitted in written format, so utilising SONIA is still relatively new. Student issues were addressed in a timely manner and processes were improved throughout the term through the collaboration between the Unit Coordinator and the Work Integrated Learning Team. Future regular meetings are recommended between these stakeholders, particularly prior to formative and summative assessment to ensure that students are able to submit their assessments easily. Clear instructions will be sent out to both students and industry partners via email prior to formative and summative assessments with the aim of providing a clear and streamlined process.

Feedback from SUTE


Two students provided feedback that the volume of weekly content was too high.


There is no specific weekly content provided in the Midwifery Practice 2 unit as it is focuses on clinical practice. This may have been confused with the Foundations of Midwifery 2 unit and further explanation will be given to the cohort and future students on the requirements of clinical units.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
  1. Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate physiological care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
  2. Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate psychosocial care of the woman experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
  3. Critically reflect on clinical learning and midwifery practice related to the care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum
  4. Demonstrate developing midwifery competence based upon the Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA) Midwife Standards for Pracrice (2018) requirements.

The proposed changes to learning outcomes and the unit will meet the following:

The draft ANMAC Midwifery Education Standards (2020).

Standard 1: Safety of the public.

Standard 3: Program of study.

Standard 4: Student experience.

Standard 5: Student assessment.

NMBA Midwife Standards for Practice (2018).

Standard 1: Promotes evidence-based maternal health and wellbeing.

Standard 2: Engages in respectful partnerships and professional relationships.

Standard 3: Demonstrates the capability and accountability for midwifery practice.

Standard 4: Undertakes comprehensive assessments.

Standard 5: Develops plans for midwifery practice.

Standard 6: Provides safe and quality midwifery practice.

Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to improve midwifery practice.

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Code of Conduct for Midwives (2018).

Principle 1. Legal compliance.

Principle 2. Woman-centred practice.

Principle 3. Cultural practice and respectful relationships.

Principle 4. Professional behaviour.

Principle 5: Teaching, supervising and assessing.

Principle 7: Health and wellbeing.

The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) International Code of Ethics for Midwives (2014).

1. Midwifery Relationships.

2. Practice of Midwifery.

3. The Professional Responsibilities of Midwives.

4. Advancement of Midwifery Knowledge and Practice.

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (2017).

Clinical Governance Standard.

Partnering with Consumers Standard.

Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-Associated Infection Standard.

Medication Safety Standard.

Comprehensive Care Standard.

Communicating for Safety Standard.

Blood Management Standard.

Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration Standard.

The Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Framework.

Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
N/A Level
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Professional Level
Advanced Level

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes

Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Poster Sessions - 40%
2 - Portfolio - 60%
3 - Professional Practice Placement - 0%

Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Communication
2 - Problem Solving
3 - Critical Thinking
4 - Information Literacy
5 - Team Work
6 - Information Technology Competence
7 - Cross Cultural Competence
8 - Ethical practice
9 - Social Innovation
10 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Graduate Attributes

Assessment Tasks Graduate Attributes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 - Poster Sessions - 40%
2 - Portfolio - 60%
3 - Professional Practice Placement - 0%
Textbooks and Resources



Myles Textbook for Midwives

17th edition (2020)
Authors: Jayne Marshall; Maureen Raynor
Edinburgh Edinburgh , United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-0-7020-7642-8
Binding: Paperback

Midwifery: Preparation for Practice

5th edition (2022)
Authors: Pairman, Sally, Tracy, Sally K, Dahlen, Hannah and Dixon, Lesley
Elsevier Australia
Sydney Sydney , NSW , Australia
ISBN: 978-0-7295-4314-9
Binding: Paperback

IT Resources

You will need access to the following IT resources:
  • CQUniversity Student Email
  • Internet
  • Unit Website (Moodle)
  • Headphones or speaker, and a microphone
  • Zoom
  • MS Teams
  • Lap top or Computer
Referencing Style

All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)

For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.

Teaching Contacts
Kelly Haynes Unit Coordinator
Week 1 Begin Date: 08 Jul 2024


Welcome to Midwifery Practice 2 your clinical unit.

This clinical placement unit is the second of four that provides you with midwifery clinical experience.

You will have the opportunity to assess, plan and provide physiological and psycho-social care to women experiencing complex factors. This may occur during pregnancy, labour and in the postnatal period and includes the fetus and neonate. This care will be provided in collaboration and consultation with the multidisciplinary team utilising the Australian College of Midwives 'National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral'.

This unit is to be undertaken in conjunction with Foundations of Midwifery 2.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Ongoing Clinical Placement

Week 2 Begin Date: 15 Jul 2024
Week 3 Begin Date: 22 Jul 2024
Week 4 Begin Date: 29 Jul 2024
Week 5 Begin Date: 05 Aug 2024
Vacation Week Begin Date: 12 Aug 2024
Week 6 Begin Date: 19 Aug 2024


Events and Submissions/Topic

Ongoing Clinical Placement

Formative AMSAT Submission.

Week 7 Begin Date: 26 Aug 2024
Week 8 Begin Date: 02 Sep 2024


Events and Submissions/Topic

Ongoing Clinical Placement

Written Assessment / Group Presentation Due: Week 8 Friday (6 Sept 2024) 11:55 pm AEST
Week 9 Begin Date: 09 Sep 2024
Week 10 Begin Date: 16 Sep 2024
Week 11 Begin Date: 23 Sep 2024
Week 12 Begin Date: 30 Sep 2024


Events and Submissions/Topic

Ongoing Clinical Placement

Reflective Journals Due: Week 12 Friday (4 Oct 2024) 11:55 pm AEST
Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 07 Oct 2024
Exam Week Begin Date: 14 Oct 2024
Assessment Tasks

1 Poster Sessions

Assessment Title
Written Assessment / Group Presentation

Task Description

Assessment 1 – Poster Sessions 
Part One: Individual written assessment 
Part Two: Group poster design 
Part Three: Group presentation  
Due date: 2355 (AEST) Friday 6th September 2024 - Week 8 
Part One:   20% 
Part Two:   10% 
Part Three: 10% (40% in total) 
Part One: Individual written assessment 1500 words +/- 10% (excluding reference list).  
Part Two: Group poster design – no limit.  
Unit Coordinator: Kelly Haynes 
The aim of this assessment is for you to review, research and analyse current evidence that guides maternity healthcare care for women experiencing conditions complicating pregnancy. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to research and read widely to demonstrate your understanding of the disease, treatment and multidisciplinary care of women and infants experiencing complexities. This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to disseminate your findings. 

Please follow the steps below to complete the task. There are three parts to this assessment task: 
Part One:  Individual written assessment 
Part Two: Group poster design  
Part Three: Group presentation 
Part One – Individual Written Assessment (20%) 
Please follow the steps below to complete Part One of this assessment task: 
For your individual written assessment, choose one of the following complex midwifery practice topics below:  

  • ABO incompatibility in pregnancy  
  • Cardiovascular disease in pregnancy
  • Preeclampsia
  • Thyroid issues in pregnancy
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum 


You may use the following steps as a guide to your written assessment: 

  • Introduction
  • Explain the pathophysiology of the chosen condition.
  • Identify the associated consultation and referral level according to the Australian College of Midwives’ National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral – 4th edition (2021).
  • Assess the current, evidence-based care for women who are diagnosed with the chosen condition and describe a suitable multidisciplinary team care plan. This plan should demonstrate an understanding of multidisciplinary collaboration and appropriate referral pathways. 
  • Evaluate how the midwife would work with the woman to promote woman-centred care and optimise her experience of pregnancy, labour/birth and the postnatal period.
  • Conclusion 

Part two – Group Poster Design (10%)  
Students will be required to work in groups to design a poster on one of the topics above related to complications in pregnancy. The target audience will be your student peers. The unit coordinator will assign students to groups of 2-3, which will be published on the Moodle discussion board and the Assessment 1 Moodle page for Midwifery Practice 2. 
Please follow the steps below to design your poster: 

  • Define the chosen pregnancy complication.
  • Outline the potential consequences/ outcomes of the pregnancy complication.
  • Explore the evidence-based recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement required. 

Part Three: Group Poster Presentation (10%) 
Groups will be required to present their poster to their peers at one of the two scheduled Zoom sessions on

Friday 6th September (Week 8) 2024 at:

10.00 am – 12.00 pm   
12.30 pm – 2.30 pm 
Please follow the instructions below to present the group poster: 
Each group will have 10 minutes to explain their understanding of their topic and the associated information presented on the poster: In your discussion, you are advised to follow the same format as when designing your poster: 

  • Define the chosen pregnancy complication.
  • Outline the potential consequences/ outcomes of the pregnancy complication.
  • Explore the evidence-based recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement required. 

Please note: 
As this is a group learning exercise, all students must be present for the duration of the scheduled Zoom session. You are required to make appropriate roster requests to ensure availability.  
Literature and references 
In this assessment use at least 5 contemporary references (<5 years) for the individual written task, and at least 5 contemporary references (<5 years) for the group poster design task to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from 
government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian College of Midwives. Note, that websites such as Stat Pearls, Life in the Fastlane, and Wikipedia are not suitable for this assessment task. Lecture notes are not primary sources of evidence and should not be used in this assessment. 

Written Assessment 

  • Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman, with 2.0 line spacing and 2.54 cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).
  • Include page numbers on the top right side of each page in a header.
  • Use formal academic language.
  • Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online CQU APA Referencing Style Guide.

The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text citations (i.e., paraphrasing, or direct quotations). Note. Paraphrasing is required. 

  • Your poster should be presented on one page.  
  • Use language appropriate to the target audience: your professional peers.
  • There is no word count for the poster but ensure that you use a legible font size and text is clear and to the point. 
  • Use bullets, numbering, and headlines to make it easy to read.
  • In-text referencing should be included in the poster. The reference list can be presented on an additional page to the poster. 


  • 10 minutes in length.
  • All students within the allocated group must be available to present their poster. 



  • You can use unit-provided materials and other credible sources (e.g., journal articles, books) to reference your argument. The quality and credibility of your sources are important.
  • We recommend that you access your discipline-specific library guide: the nursing and midwifery guide. 
    You may like to manage your citations and reference list. Information on how to use academic referencing software (EndNote) is available at the CQUniversity Library website should you wish to learn how to use it.
  • For information on academic communication please go to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication section has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language. 
  • Submit a draft before the due date to review your Turnitin Similarity Score before making a final submission. Instructions are available here.  
  • For information on using PowerPoint please go to the Academic Learning Centre Computing Basics section – How to use PowerPoint.
  • For information on using Zoom to present your assessment please go to Zoom web conferencing.  

The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools, including AI-driven writing assistants and content generators, is not permitted in this assessment. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA] (2018), Midwifery Standards of Practice requires students to demonstrate essential human capacities, skills, knowledge, and integration of theory into practice, crucial for midwifery practice. Midwifery practice relies on human interaction, empathy, ethical decision-making, and effective communication—skills that cannot be adequately assessed through AI-generated content. To ensure the integrity and development of these capabilities, students must verify that any grammar or writing enhancement programs used do not incorporate AI components. Compliance with midwifery practice standards is vital for meeting AHPRA/NMBA graduate attributes and preparing for professional practice. 


  • Submit your written assessment via the unit Moodle site in Microsoft Word format by the submission time and date: 2355 (AEST) Friday 6th September 2024.
  • The poster should be formatted as a PDF file and also submitted via the unit Moodle site at this time/date. Please do not edit this after the presentation.
  • You will be presenting live to your lecturer and fellow students using Zoom, a video conferencing program. Your lecturer will help you with using Zoom. With your permission, your presentation may be recorded for marking purposes. Only your lecturer will have access to this video which will be stored securely.  

Marking Criteria  
Refer to the marking rubric on the Moodle site for more details on how marks will be assigned. Assessment re-attempt is not available for Assessment 1. 
Learning Outcomes Assessed 

Critically reflect on clinical learning and midwifery practice related to the care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum. 

Assessment Due Date

Week 8 Friday (6 Sept 2024) 11:55 pm AEST

This will be the submission date of your written assignment and your poster design to be presented to the cohort via Zoom

Return Date to Students

Week 10 Friday (20 Sept 2024)


Assessment Criteria


Written Assessment – individual (20%) 













Low Fail  

Structure (10%) 

Content is very well organised. Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment. 


10.00 - 8.41 


Content is well organised. Mostly accurate with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (1-2 errors). Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment. 


8.40 - 7.41 

Content is adequately organised. 

Some inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (3-4 errors). Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment. 


7.40 - 6.41  


Content is somewhat organised. A few inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (4-5 errors). Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment. 


6.40 - 4.91  

Content is mostly disorganised. Many inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (>5 errors). Content is not the student's own work and has been previously submitted. Gen AI agents used during this assessment. 


4.90 – 4.50  

Content is disorganised. Many inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (>6 errors). 

Content is not the student's own work and has been previously submitted. Gen AI agents used during this assessment. 


4.49 – 0.0 

Approach & Argument (80%) 

Content is clearly relevant to the topic; the approach comprehensively answers the question, and the argument proceeds logically and is within the set word  


10.00 - 8.41 



Content is relevant to the topic; the approach clearly answers the question, and the argument proceeds logically and is within the set word limit. 

8.40 - 7.41 

Content is appropriate and answers the question and the argument for the most part proceeds logically and is within the set word limit.  

7.40 - 6.41 

Content answers the question, but the argument is at times repetitive or lacks cohesion. It is within the set word limit with a 10% allowance (under or over the set limit). 

6.40 - 4.91 

Content is frequently off topic and only partially answers the questions in relation to current midwifery practice. The discourse frequently lacks cohesion.  The word limit has not been adhered to and is marginally over or under the 10% allowance. 

4.90 4.50 

Content is irrelevant and or does not answer the question in relation to current midwifery practice. The discourse lacks cohesion.  The word limit has not been adhered to, the word limit is well over or under the 10% allowance. 

4.49 - 0.00 

An articulate and comprehensive explanation of (a) the pathophysiology of the chosen condition and (b) the consultation and referral level according to the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation & Referral  


25.00 - 21.01 


Insightful and well-developed explanation of (a) the pathophysiology of the chosen condition and (b) the consultation and referral level according to the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation & Referral  

21.00 -18.51 

A logical explanation of (a) the pathophysiology of the chosen condition and (b) the consultation and referral level according to the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation & Referral  

18.50 - 16.01   

A disjointed explanation of (a) the pathophysiology of the chosen condition and (b) the consultation and referral level according to the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation & Referral 

16.00 - 12.26   

An inadequate explanation of (a) the pathophysiology of the chosen condition and (b) the consultation and referral level according to the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation & Referral 

12.25 11.26 

No explanation of (a) the pathophysiology of the chosen condition and (b) the consultation and referral level according to the National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation & Referral 

11.25- 0.00 

A comprehensive examination of the current, evidence-based care for the chosen condition, succinctly identifying a highly appropriate multi-disciplinary team care plan and demonstrating a very high understanding of the multidisciplinary collaboration and referral pathways.  


25.00 - 21.01 


A well-developed examination of the current, evidence-based care for the chosen condition, clearly identifying an appropriate multi-disciplinary team care plan and demonstrating a high understanding of the multidisciplinary collaboration and referral pathways.  

21.00 -18.51 

A broad examination of the current evidence-based care for the chosen condition, broadly identifying a multi-disciplinary team care plan and demonstrating a broad understanding of the multidisciplinary collaboration and referral pathways.  

18.50 - 16.01   

A minimal examination of the current evidence-based care for the chosen condition, with minimal identification of a multi-disciplinary team care plan and demonstrating a minimal understanding of the multidisciplinary collaboration and referral pathways.  

16.00 - 12.26 

An inadequate examination of the current evidence-based care for the chosen condition, with poor identification of a multi-disciplinary team care plan and demonstrating a poor understanding of the multidisciplinary collaboration and referral pathways.  

12.25 – 11.26 

No examination of the current evidence-based care for the chosen condition, with poor identification of a multi-disciplinary team care plan and demonstrating a poor understanding of the multidisciplinary collaboration and referral pathways.  

11.25 - 0.00 

A thorough & coherent outline of how the midwife would work with the woman to promote her wellbeing and optimise her experience of pregnancy, labour/birth and the postnatal period. 


20.00 - 16.81  

A clear & relevant outline of how the midwife would work with the woman to promote her wellbeing and optimise her experience of pregnancy, labour/birth and the postnatal period.  

16.80 – 14.81 



A logical outline of how the midwife would work with the woman to promote her wellbeing and optimise her experience of pregnancy, labour/birth and the postnatal period.  

14.80 - 12.81 


Satisfactory outline of how the midwife would work with the woman to promote her wellbeing and optimise her experience of pregnancy, labour/birth, and the postnatal period.  

12.80 - 9.81 


Poor understanding of the topic. Content inadequately outlines how the midwife would work with the woman to promote her wellbeing and optimise her experience of pregnancy, labour/birth and the postnatal period.  

9.80 9.01 


No evidence of understanding of the topic. Content does not outline how the midwife would work with the woman to promote her wellbeing and optimise her experience of pregnancy, labour/birth and the postnatal period.  

9.00 0.00 





Referencing (10%) 

Consistently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect all ideas, information, and quotations.  

5.00 - 4.21 


Generally, integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 1 or 2 exceptions.  

4.20 – 3.71 

Frequently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 3 or 4 exceptions.  

3.70 – 3.21 

Occasionally integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 5 or 6 exceptions.  

3.20 – 2.46 


Infrequent attempts (>7 errors) to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations.  

2.45 – 2.26 

Failure to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations.  

2.25 – 0.00 

Consistently accurate with APA referencing. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites.  

5.00 - 4.21 


One or two consistent APA referencing errors identified. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites.  

4.20 – 3.71    

Three or four consistent APA referencing errors identified. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites.  

3.70 – 3.21 


Three or four inconsistent APA referencing errors identified. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites.  

3.20 – 2.46 


Many inaccuracies with APA referencing (>5). Less than 5 references used. Journal articles not sourced. Relevant high-quality websites not included.  

2.45 – 2.26 

Many inaccuracies with APA referencing (>6). Less than 5 references used. Less than 2 journal articles not sourced. Relevant high-quality websites not included. 

2.25 - 0.00 



Total: 100% 

100.00 - 84.50 


84.49 - 74.50 


74.49 - 64.50 


64.49 - 49.50 


49.49 - 45.1 


45.00 - 00.00 




Percentage for written assessment:   /20% 




Poster Sessions – group (20%) 

POSTER: 10% 













Low Fail 


Structure (20%) 

Content is very well organised, highly engaging, and aesthetically appealing. 

Images are of high quality and highly relevant to the content. 

Language is appropriate for the target audience. 

Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 

20.00 - 16.81 


Content is well organised, engaging and aesthetically appealing. 

Images are of high quality and are relevant to the content. 

Language is appropriate for the target audience. 

Mostly accurate with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (1-2 errors). 

16.80 – 14.81 


Content is adequately organised, engaging and aesthetically appealing. 

Images are of good quality and are relevant to the content. 

Language is generally appropriate for the target audience. 

Some inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (3-4 errors). 

14.80 - 12.81 


Content is somewhat organised, engaging and aesthetically appropriate. 

Images are of good quality and are somewhat relevant to the content. 

Language is at times inappropriate for the target audience. 

A few inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (4-5 errors). 

12.80 - 9.81 

Content somewhat disorganised, unengaging, and not aesthetically appealing. 

Images are of poor quality and/or not relevant to the content. 

Language is generally inappropriate for the target audience. Inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation (>5 errors). 

9.80 9.01 


Content is disorganised, unengaging, and not aesthetically appealing. 

Images are absent or not relevant to the content. 

Language is inappropriate for the target audience. Many inaccuracies with spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 

9.00 0.00 


Approach & Argument (70%) 

Content is clearly relevant to the topic; the approach comprehensively answers the question, and the argument proceeds logically. The chosen topic is clearly identifiable.  

10.00 - 8.41 


Content is relevant to the topic; the approach clearly answers the question, and the argument proceeds logically. The chosen topic is clearly identifiable.  

8.40 - 7.41 

Content is appropriate and addresses the topic for the most part proceeds logically. The chosen topic is identifiable.  

7.40 - 6.41 

Content addresses the topic but is at times repetitive or lacks cohesion. The chosen topic is somewhat clear 

6.40 - 4.91 


Content is mostly irrelevant or does not address the topic and the script lacks cohesion in many places. The chosen topic is not clear.  

4.9 – 4.50 

Content is irrelevant and or does not address the topic and the script lacks cohesion. The chosen topic is unclear 

4.49 - 0.00 


An articulate, succinct, and comprehensive definition of the chosen complication.  

20.00 - 16.81 


A well-developed definition of the chosen complication. 

16.80 – 14.81 

A logical definition of the chosen complication. 

14.80 - 12.81 


A disjointed and limited definition of the chosen complication. 

12.80 - 9.81 


A poor definition of the chosen complication. 

9.80 9.01 


An inadequate definition of the chosen complication. 

9.00 0.00 



A comprehensive and insightful outline of the potential consequences of the chosen complication.  

20.00 - 16.81 


A well-developed and thoughtful outline of the potential consequences of the chosen complication. 

16.80 – 14.81 

A broad outline of the potential consequences of the chosen complication. 

14.80 - 12.81 

A minimal and/or limited outline of the potential consequences of the chosen complication. 

12.80 - 9.81 

An inadequate outline of the potential consequences of the chosen complication. 

Understanding of the topic is poorly demonstrated. 

9.80 9.01 

No outline of the potential consequences of the chosen complication. 

Failure to demonstrate understanding of the topic. 

9.00 0.00 

A comprehensive and concise exploration of the evidence-based care recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement.  

20.00 - 16.81 


A clear and relevant exploration of the evidence-based care recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement. 

16.80 – 14.81 


A logical exploration of the evidence-based care recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement. 

14.80 - 12.81 


Satisfactory but limited exploration of the evidence-based care recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement. 

12.80 - 9.81 


An inadequate exploration of the evidence-based care recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement Understanding of the topic is poorly demonstrated. 

9.80 9.01 

No exploration of the evidence-based care recommendations and multidisciplinary involvement. Failure to demonstrate understanding of the topic. 


9.00 0.00 

Referencing (10%) 

Consistently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect all ideas, information, and quotations. 

5.00 - 4.21 


Generally, integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 1 or 2 exceptions.  

4.20 – 3.71 

Frequently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 3 or 4 exceptions.  

3.70 – 3.21 

Occasionally integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 5 or 6 exceptions.  

3.20 – 2.46 

Infrequent attempts (>7 errors) to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations.  

2.45 – 2.26 

Failure to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations.  

2.25 – 0.00 

Consistently accurate with referencing. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites. 

5.00 - 4.21 


1 or 2 consistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites.    

4.20 – 3.71  

3 or 4 consistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites.  

3.70 – 3.21 


3 or 4 inconsistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 5 references used including journal articles and relevant high-quality websites.  

3.20 – 2.46 


Many inaccuracies with referencing (>5). Less than 5 references used. Journal articles not sourced. Relevant high-quality websites not included.  


Many inaccuracies with referencing (>6). Less than 5 references used. Less than 2 journal articles not sourced. Relevant high-quality websites not included. 

2.25 - 0.00 



Total: 100% 

100.00 - 84.50 


84.49 - 74.50 


74.49 - 64.50 


64.49 - 49.50 


49.49 - 45.1 


45.00 - 00.00 




Percentage for poster:   /10% 
















Low Fail 


Presentation (10%) 

A concise, yet comprehensive explanation of the poster’s subject matter. 


The explanation insightfully extends upon the information presented on the poster. The poster is referred to when explaining the topic.  

10.00 - 8.41 


A clear and relevant explanation of the poster’s subject matter. 


The explanation extends upon to the information presented on the poster. The poster is referred to when explaining the topic.  

8.40 - 7.41 

A general explanation of the poster’s subject matter. 



The explanation somewhat extends upon to the information presented on the poster. The poster is referred to when explaining the topic.  

7.40 - 6.41 

An explanation of the poster’s subject matter is provided. Lacks depth and detail. 


The explanation pertains only to the information presented on the poster. The poster is inconsistently referred to when explaining the topic.  

6.40 - 4.91 

An inadequate explanation of the poster’s subject matter. 


The explanation is inadequate or absent. The poster is not referred to when explaining the topic. 

4.90 – 0.00 


Absent explanation of the poster’s subject matter. 


The explanation is absent. The poster is not referred to when explaining the topic. 

4.90 – 0.00 





Percentage for poster presentation:   /10% 



Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Your written assessment will be submitted via Moodle but your poster presentation will be via Zoom

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Team Work
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Critically reflect on clinical learning and midwifery practice related to the care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum

2 Portfolio

Assessment Title
Reflective Journals

Task Description



Assessment 2 


Type: Portfolio 

Due date: 2355 (AEST) 4th October 2024, Week 12

Weighting: 60%

Length: Each journal entry should be approximately 300 words; however, labour and birth reflections can be longer (approximately 400 words). 

Unit Coordinator: Kelly Haynes


Learning Outcomes Assessed

Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate physiological care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate psychosocial care of the woman experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
Critically reflect on clinical learning and midwifery practice related to the care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum.


The aim of this assessment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on your approach to provide continuity of care and the underpinning frameworks that underpin that approach. Reflective practice is a key element that contributes to the Nurses and Midwives Board of Australia’s Midwife Standards for Practice (2018). Through reflective processes, students and registered midwives can identify and explore diverse values, beliefs, learning needs, and sociocultural structures. 



To facilitate your reflective skill development, you are required to complete a reflective piece of writing for each of the three (3) 'continuity of care experience' (COCE) women you recruited in term 1 and for the further 3 women recruited in term 2 (six in total).

A reflective journal documents the development of a therapeutic midwifery relationship between midwifery students, women and their families and can encompass interpersonal aspects of the interaction. Reflective writing is a deeper cognitive process that demonstrates what has been learned about the midwifery profession, in addition to one’s development as a practicing midwife. You will continue to develop and build upon your reflective skills after the submission of your reflective portfolio in term 1 and the feedback you received. This process is designed to elevate the CoCE experience from merely ticking off appointments and completed women, to demonstrating active cognitive learning.

Reflective writing is more personal than other kinds of academic writing and is an exploration and analysis of events, not just a description of them. This involves analysing an experience, assessing what you have learned from it, what you could have done differently, realising new approaches to your care, and ultimately, how you felt about the whole experience. As a midwifery student, it identifies how different aspects of your work interconnect. It can be very useful for identifying gaps in knowledge and ethical dilemmas or situations that need further thought. 

Please use the framework below to structure each reflective journal entry.





What is it?  

What happened?  

Why am I talking about it?  


What is important and relevant? 

Look through your description and try to find words or phrases that require further exploration.  

Include the rationale for what was done or why it was done.  

Where there is controversy about what was done or found, provide the rationale and sources of evidence for both sides of the argument.  

How can it be explored and explained using contemporary theories? 


What have I learned from this?  

How will it influence my future work? 

Please note that you must use the template provided on the MDWF12006 Moodle page for each Continuity of Care Experience (COCE).



  • Each COCE woman must have their own individual journal in Word Document format, which is to be uploaded as individual files to the relevant Moodle assessment page. You will therefore submit six separate documents for this assessment.
  • Each COCE woman must be de-identified within the journal.
  • Ensure your name and the pseudonym for your woman at the centre of your COCE are documented on each page.
  • Each journal entry in the portfolio must adhere to the template provided on the MDWF12006 Moodle page.
  • When you are preparing your term submission, please enter a red line under the completed entries for this term’s marking in each journal.
  • Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman, with 2.0 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).
  • You may write in the first-person perspective.
  • Use formal academic language.
  • Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online APA Referencing Style Guide.


Literature and references

Use at least one reference for each journal entry. Where references are used to support your discussion, they should be contemporary references (<5 years) sourced from the CQUniversity library in this assessment to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as government, university, or peak national bodies, for example, the Australian College of Midwives or the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Websites such as Stat Pearls, Life in the Fastlane, and Wikipedia are unsuitable for this assessment task. Lecture notes are unsuitable for this assessment task.    



  • You can use unit-provided materials and other credible sources (e.g. journal articles, books) to reference your argument. The quality and credibility of your sources are important.
  • We recommend that you access your discipline-specific library guide: the Nursing and Midwifery Guide;
  • We recommend you use EndNote to manage your citations and reference list. More information on how to use EndNote is available at the CQUniversity Library website.
  • For information on academic communication please go to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication section has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language.
  • The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools, including AI-driven writing assistants and content generators, is not permitted in this assessment. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA] (2018), Midwifery Standards of Practice requires students to demonstrate essential human capacities, skills, knowledge, and integration of theory into practice, crucial for midwifery practice. Midwifery practice relies on human interaction, empathy, ethical decision-making, and effective communication—skills that cannot be adequately assessed through AI-generated content. To ensure the integrity and development of these capabilities, students must verify that any grammar or writing enhancement programs used do not incorporate AI components. Compliance with midwifery practice standards is vital for meeting AHPRA/NMBA graduate attributes and preparing for professional practice. 



Submit your assessment via the relevant Moodle assessment page (six separate Word documents).


  • Marking Criteria
    Refer to the marking rubric on the Moodle site for more detail on how marks will be assigned.


Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Friday (4 Oct 2024) 11:55 pm AEST

Upload current version into the Midwifery Practice 2 Moodle Assessment 2 page

Return Date to Students

Exam Week Friday (18 Oct 2024)


Assessment Criteria




Structure (10%)









Approach & Argument (80%)

As per template.




















49-46 %

Low Fail

<45 - %

Excellent presentation of portfolio. Reflective journals are set out as per the template.

Consistently accurate in spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure.

10.00 - 8.45 (10%)

Well-presented portfolio. Reflective journals set out as per template.

One or two errors in spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure.

8.44 - 7.45 

Well-presented portfolio. Reflective journals are set out as per the provided template.

Two or three consistent errors in spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure.

7.44 - 6.45

Well-presented portfolio. Reflective journals are set out per the provided template.

Three or four inconsistent errors in spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure

6.44 - 4.95 


Poorly presented portfolio. The template provided is mostly not utilised.

Many inaccuracies in spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure (> 5 errors).

4.94 - 4.50 

Poorly presented portfolio. The provided template is not utilised.


Many inaccuracies in spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure (> 6 errors).


4.49 - 0.00 

Comprehensive critical and analytical reflective journals that explore and identify gaps in knowledge. Each reflective journal provides:

A description

An interpretation

An outcome - what was learnt.


40.00 – 33.80 (40%)


Insightful and well-developed reflective journals that explore and identify gaps in knowledge.

Each reflective journal provides:

A description

An interpretation

An outcome - what was learnt.


33.79 – 29.80 

Provides logical and broadly reflective journals that explore and identify gaps in knowledge.

Each reflective journal provides:

A description

An interpretation

An outcome - what was learnt.


29.79 – 25.80

Disjointed reflective journals that explore and identify some gaps in knowledge. Each reflective journal provides some of the following:

A description

An interpretation

An outcome - what was learnt.


25.79 – 19.80


Mostly inadequate reflective journals that do not explore or identify gaps in knowledge.

The following mostly have not been included:

A description

An interpretation

An outcome - what was learnt.


19.79 – 18.00 

Inadequate reflective journals that do not explore or identify gaps in knowledge.

The following have been excluded:

A description

An interpretation

An outcome - what was learnt.


17.99 – 0.00 

6 comprehensive reflective journals.[SC1] [KH2]   Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment.

 It includes:

-    4 antenatal visits

-     +/- the labour (intrapartum care)

-          2 postnatal visits

-           Face-to-face/ telehealth visits


20-16.81 (20%) 




6 well-developed reflective journals. Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment.

 It includes:


-          4 antenatal visits

-     +/- the labour (intrapartum care)

-          2 postnatal visits

-          Face-to-face/ telehealth visits



6 reflective journals.   Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment.

 It includes:


-          4 antenatal visits

-     +/- the labour (Intrapartum care)

-          2 postnatal visits

-          Face-to-face/ telehealth visits



6 disjointed reflective journals. Content is the student's own original work without prior submission. No Gen AI agents used during this assessment.

It includes:

-          4 antenatal visits

-     +/- the labour (intrapartum care)

-          2 postnatal visits

-          Face-to-face/ telehealth visits



6 or less inadequate reflective journals. Content is not the student's own work and has been previously submitted. Gen AI agents used during this assessment.

In some cases, it does not meet the expected requirements of:


-          4 antenatal visits

-     +/- the labour (intrapartum care)

-          2 postnatal visits

-          Face-to-face/telehealth visits




6 or less inadequate reflective journals.  Content is not the student's own work and has been previously submitted. Gen AI agents used during this assessment.


It does not meet the expected requirements of:


-          4 antenatal visits

-     +/- the labour (intrapartum care)

-          2 postnatal visits

-          Face-to-face/telehealth visits





Demonstrates an exceptional and insightful reflection on their therapeutic professional relationship with the woman throughout her childbearing continuum.


20-16.81 (20%) 



A well-developed reflection on their therapeutic professional relationship with the woman during her childbearing continuum.



A satisfactory reflection on their therapeutic professional relationship with the woman throughout her childbearing continuum.



Basic reflection on their therapeutic professional relationship with the woman during her childbearing continuum. The reflection includes some relevant aspects of midwifery care but lacks depth and critical analysis.



Reflection on their therapeutic professional relationship with the woman is insufficient. The reflection is vague, lacks specific details or examples.



Reflection on their therapeutic professional relationship with the woman is absent. A lack of understanding of the principles of midwifery care or the significance of the therapeutic relationship.





Referencing (10%)

Consistently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect all ideas, information, and quotations. (5%)


5.00 - 4.23 (5%)

Generally, integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 1/ 2 exceptions.


4.22 - 3.73

Frequently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 3 or 4 exceptions.


3.72 - 3.23 


Occasionally integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations, with 5 or 6 exceptions.


3.22 - 2.48 

Fails to or infrequent attempts (>7 errors) to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, information, and quotations.


2.47 - 2.26


Failure to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information, and quotations. Warrants academic misconduct referral.  


2.25 - 0.00 

Consistently accurate with APA referencing. A minimum of 1 reference is used for each journal entry, including journal articles and relevant websites.


5.00 - 4.23 (5%)


One or two consistent APA referencing errors were identified. One or two journal entries missing a reference. Journal articles and relevant websites are included.   


4.22 – 3.73     

Three or four consistent APA referencing errors were identified. Three or four journal entries missing a reference. Journal articles and relevant websites are included.


3.72 - 3.23

Five or six inconsistent APA referencing errors were identified. Five or six journal entries missing a reference. Journal articles and relevant websites are included.


3.22 - 2.48    

Many inaccuracies with APA referencing (>6). Many journal entries lack a minimum of 1 reference. Journal articles not sourced. Relevant websites are not included.


2.47 - 2.26

Many inaccuracies with APA referencing (>7). All journal entries lack the minimum of 1 reference. Journal articles not sourced. Relevant websites are not included.


2.25 - 0.00 


Total: 100%

100.00 - 84.50


84.49 - 74.50


74.49 - 64.50


64.49 - 49.50


49.49 - 45.1


45.00 - 00.00

This assignment is worth 50% of the total assessment marks for this subject.                                                                           /100

Referencing Style


Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Team Work
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice
  • Social Innovation

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate physiological care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
  • Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate psychosocial care of the woman experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
  • Critically reflect on clinical learning and midwifery practice related to the care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum

3 Professional Practice Placement

Assessment Title
Clinical Placement: Hours and Competency Assessment Tool

Task Description




Assessment 3 


Type: Professional Practice Placement 

Due date: 

Formative AMSAT, Friday 23rd August, 2355 (AEST) - Week 6 

Summative AMSAT and Record of Clinical Hours, Friday 11th October 2355 (AEST) - Exam Week (Week 13)

Weighting: Pass/Fail

Length: No word count

Unit Coordinator: Kelly Haynes



The aim of this assessment is to aid you in consolidating your midwifery knowledge and the application of theory to practice to ensure safe and effective care is received by the women and neonates in your care. This assessment aims to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate competent midwifery clinical practice that meets the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s (NMBA) Midwife Standards for Practice (2018).



A minimum of 224 hours of clinical practice experience is required to complete this unit in term 2. This clinical experience will allow you to consolidate knowledge and skills acquired throughout the unit. You are required to meet the clinical requirements listed below, and these requirements need to be documented accurately within your Student Clinical Experience Record Book. Please note that successfully completing this unit is not merely completing requisite clinical hours and skills but also demonstrating midwifery novice competency based upon the NMBA requirements and professional behaviour as per relevant CQUniversity policies.

Please follow the steps below to complete your assessment task:

1.    Complete 224 hours of clinical practice experience plus COCE hours. Complete the term 1 formative AMSAT face-to-face with your preceptor/facilitator/educator during week 6 and submit via the SONIA online platform by Friday 23rd August 2355.

2.    Complete the term 1 summative AMSAT and the Record of Clinical Hours with your preceptor/facilitator/educator during exam week and submit via the SONIA platform by Friday 11th October 2355.

3.    Complete your three Continuity of Care Experience (COCE) women recruited in term one and the three recruited in term two (six in total). Show evidence of you COCE by scanning and attaching your Record of Continuity of Care Experiences in your Student Clinical Experience Record Book to your Record of Hours document via SONIA by Friday 11th October 2355.


Submit your documents via the SONIA platform.


Marking Criteria

The midwifery educator/manager will review the required clinical experience in conjunction with the Unit Coordinator.


Learning Outcomes Assessed

Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate physiological care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.

Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate psychosocial care of the woman experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.

Demonstrate developing midwifery competence based upon the Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA) Midwife Standards for Practice (2018) requirements.


Assessment Due Date

Please upload your documents to SONIA on the dates provided in the assessment instructions

Return Date to Students

Please allow up to two weeks post the due date for the return of marked assessments.


Assessment Criteria

This is a pass/fail assessment and therefore no marking rubric applies to this assessment.

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Please submit your documents through SONIA.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Team Work
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice
  • Social Innovation

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate physiological care of the woman and her baby experiencing complex factors using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
  • Assess, plan, provide, and evaluate psychosocial care of the woman experiencing complex factors during the childbearing continuum using the latest Australian College of Midwives (ACM) National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral and digital health and emerging technologies.
  • Demonstrate developing midwifery competence based upon the Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA) Midwife Standards for Pracrice (2018) requirements.

Academic Integrity Statement

As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.

Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.

When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.

Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.

As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.

What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.

Why is academic integrity important?

A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.

Where can I get assistance?

For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.

What can you do to act with integrity?