CQUniversity Unit Profile
BMSC11013 Immersive Learning Experiences 1
Immersive Learning Experiences 1
All details in this unit profile for BMSC11013 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information


This is the first of two placement units within your course. In this unit, you will be placed within diverse healthcare settings in the regional communities of Central Queensland and the Wide Bay. The placements are observational in nature, and will provide you with experiential learning opportunities that will enable you to connect with regional communities. You will gain insight into the diversity and complexity of healthcare delivery in a regional context. You will gain an appreciation of the need to adaptively respond to uncertainty in the healthcare environment. You will learn about communication and cultural awareness in healthcare settings and further develop your personal and professional attributes. You will apply reflective practice to support your ongoing coursework studies. Mandatory on-campus learning activities at the Rockhampton and Bundaberg campuses form a key aspect of this unit.


Career Level: Undergraduate
Unit Level: Level 1
Credit Points: 6
Student Contribution Band: 9
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load: 0.125

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites

Enrolment in the CM17 Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathway to Medicine) course

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Offerings For Term 2 - 2024


Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes - in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Class and Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 6-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.

Class Timetable

Bundaberg, Cairns, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

Assessment Overview

1. Professional Practice Placement
Weighting: Pass/Fail
2. Reflective Practice Assignment
Weighting: Pass/Fail
3. Portfolio
Weighting: Pass/Fail

Assessment Grading

This is a pass/fail (non-graded) unit. To pass the unit, you must pass all of the individual assessment tasks shown in the table above.

Previous Student Feedback
Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
  1. Develop professional communication skills with patients and colleagues
  2. Reflect on your experiences of healthcare delivery in regional communities
  3. Reflect on your understanding of the role of healthcare professionals in community and clinical environments
  4. Identify professional practice factors that facilitate quality healthcare in a culturally safe environment
Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
N/A Level
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Professional Level
Advanced Level

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes

Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Professional Practice Placement - 0%
2 - Reflective Practice Assignment - 0%
3 - Portfolio - 0%

Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Communication
2 - Problem Solving
3 - Critical Thinking
4 - Information Literacy
5 - Team Work
6 - Information Technology Competence
7 - Cross Cultural Competence
8 - Ethical practice
9 - Social Innovation
10 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures
Textbooks and Resources


There are no required textbooks.

IT Resources

You will need access to the following IT resources:
  • CQUniversity Student Email
  • Internet
  • Unit Website (Moodle)
Referencing Style

All submissions for this unit must use the referencing styles below:

For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.

Teaching Contacts
Roslyn Clapperton Unit Coordinator
Week 1 Begin Date: 08 Jul 2024


Preplacement workshops:

  • Monday 8th July: 5pm - 7pm
  • Tuesday 9th July: 1pm to 3pm

Plus hospital induction.


No textbook required for this unit.

Events and Submissions/Topic

These workshops will involve a range of speakers to help prepare students for placement and will cover topics such as, but not limited to: what to expect on placement, how to make the most of this time with providers, how to dress and behave professionally, etc.

Hospital inductions will run in addition to these two sessions. 

Week 2 Begin Date: 15 Jul 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 3 Begin Date: 22 Jul 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 4 Begin Date: 29 Jul 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 5 Begin Date: 05 Aug 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Vacation Week Begin Date: 12 Aug 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 6 Begin Date: 19 Aug 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 7 Begin Date: 26 Aug 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 8 Begin Date: 02 Sep 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 9 Begin Date: 09 Sep 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 10 Begin Date: 16 Sep 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 11 Begin Date: 23 Sep 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 12 Begin Date: 30 Sep 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Assessment 1: Professional Practice Placement: all placement hours should have been completed and the confirmation email lodged as documentation for proof of hours for this assessment task by this point of the term.

Assessment 3: Portfolio Due: Week 12 Friday (4 Oct 2024) 5:00 pm AEST
Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 07 Oct 2024



Events and Submissions/Topic

Term Specific Information

Contact Information:

The Unit Coordinator for this term is Roslyn Clapperton. You can contact the unit coordinator using the forums on the Moodle site; via email: r.clapperton@cqu.edu.au or via the telephone on (07) 4930 9603.

Pre-placement Checks:

Please note that all pre-placement checks must be completed prior to commencing placement. Please confirm with the Clinical Placement Officer that all pre-placement checks have been completed and approved in Sonia.

Observational Placement Information:

There are no prescribed textbooks for this unit, and any associated readings, content and/or activities will be uploaded to the unit Moodle site and students informed when this occurs.

Students will be required to attend mandatory workshops prior to attending their observational placements. Students will then undertake a minimum of 30 mandatory hours for observational placement in either a hospital setting and/or a community health setting. Placements will be arranged by CQUniversity and will be ideally undertaken early in Term 2. 

Professional Behaviour and Uniform:
On your placement you are representing yourself, the University and the profession, so professional behaviour is required at all times.
Please purchase the appropriate student uniform from the CQUniversity Bookshop. Black or navy long dress pants are to be worn with the polo shirt and enclosed shoes are also required.
Ensure that you have a current student ID card, and also purchase a clear badge holder from an office supply store to fit your ID card. Place your student ID card into the badge holder and wear this as your name identifier during the placement.

Work placement is an integral part of the course. If you are unable to attend your scheduled placement for any reason, please advise the Work Integrated Learning Officers of the School of Health, Medical and Applied Science as soon as possible before the start of the scheduled placement.

Medical certificates:
In case you are unable to attend any part of your placement due to sickness, please submit a medical or health related certificate to the Unit Coordinator as soon as practical. Medical or health-related certificates must be in the approved formats articulated in the CQUniversity Assessment Policy and Procedure (HE Coursework).
In the event that your condition could harm or negatively impact either yourself or those around you (e.g. put you at risk of exacerbating an injury, or pass on viral or bacterial infections to other students and staff) you will be sent home and and you will need to provide acceptable medical documentation for your absence, as stated above.
Students who are sick and / or injured and cannot attend more than three (3) days of work placement must notify the Unit Coordinator and their Work Placement Supervisor by e-mail or telephone. They should then submit a medical certificate to the Unit Coordinator via email.
In such event, alternative arrangements to complete the remaining hours of work placement may be made after consultation with the placement provider and the Unit Coordinator.

Assessment Submission:

Due to the flexible nature of the scheduling of observational placements, the due dates for submission of the reflective assignment is individual. All reflective assignments are to be submitted within two (2) weeks of completion of the placement and failure to do so will incur a late submission penalty.

If an assessment task does not meet the minimum standard for a pass you will be given one opportunity to re-submit the assessment following the provision of feedback. A final fail grade for any assessment task will result in an overall fail for the unit.

Assessment Tasks

1 Professional Practice Placement

Assessment Title
Assessment 1: Professional Practice Placement

Task Description

You must demonstrate a minimum of 30 hours of observational placement. Your attendance and time spent with each placement provider will be confirmed by the the team involved in setting up the placements. Once the minimum 30 hours of placement have been confirmed, the WIL team will send an email confirming that the minimum number of hours for placement have been satisfied. This email will be saved as a PDF and uploaded as documentation of completed hours. 

Prior to attending observational placements, all students will be required to complete all pre-placement checks and attend the preparatory workshops for attending placement. Any student who has not completed their pre-placement checks and/or attended the preparatory placement workshops will not be eligible to attend placement. 

Assessment Due Date

Documentation from WIL team to be submitted as confirmation of minimum 30 hours of observational placement once hours have been met.

Return Date to Students

Feedback will generally be provided within two (2) weeks of submission.


Minimum mark or grade
Minimum of 30 hours of attendance at observational placement.

Assessment Criteria

You are required to attend placement for a minimum of 30 hours and submit the confirmation documentation once all hours are completed in order to pass this task.

Referencing Style


Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Develop professional communication skills with patients and colleagues
  • Reflect on your experiences of healthcare delivery in regional communities
  • Reflect on your understanding of the role of healthcare professionals in community and clinical environments
  • Identify professional practice factors that facilitate quality healthcare in a culturally safe environment

2 Reflective Practice Assignment

Assessment Title
Assessment 2: Reflective Practice Assignment

Task Description

The Reflective Practice Assignment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how observational placement has enhanced your understanding of the role that healthcare professionals have in both the community and clinical environments. This assignment also provides you with an opportunity to reflect on your observations as to how healthcare is delivered in regional communities. A guide on how to reflect on your placement experiences is available on the Moodle site. As this is a reflective assignment on your experiences during placement, generative artificial intelligence is not allowed. 

Assessment Due Date

The Reflective Practice Assignment is to be submitted within two (2) weeks of the completion of placement.

Return Date to Students

Feedback will generally be provided within two (2) weeks of submission.


Minimum mark or grade

Assessment Criteria

Marks for this assignment will be awarded as per the rubric/marking guide provided on the Moodle site, which will include criteria such as the following, but not limited to this:

  • Ability to reflect on your experiences of healthcare delivery in regional communities
  • Ability to reflect on your understanding of the role of healthcare professionals in the community and clinical environments
  • Application of appropriate terminology
  • Clear, articulate and logical communication of content
  • Grammar, spelling, punctuation and language

Referencing Style


Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Reflect on your experiences of healthcare delivery in regional communities
  • Reflect on your understanding of the role of healthcare professionals in community and clinical environments

3 Portfolio

Assessment Title
Assessment 3: Portfolio

Task Description

Studying at CQU offers you lifetime access to an ePortfolio tool called Portfolium. An ePortfolio can be used to keep track of, and display, your proficiencies and skills. Portfolium can be shared with your employers to showcase your experience, skills, achievements and knowledge that you gain during your studies at CQUniversity. You are encouraged to include your "artifacts" of reflective writing within this portfolio and continue to build your portfolio throughout your degree. 

Throughout the semester you will complete embedded micro-credentials in areas such as, but not limited to this list: First Nations competence, National Disability Scheme (NDIS), and reflective writing practices.

You will use Portfolium to record your capabilities and achievements which you can add to throughout your degree. Other ePortfolio platforms / formats may be used with approval from the Unit Coordinator. Portfolium can be accessed via Moodle. You will be required to provide a PDF copy of your Portfolium profile (or other suitable ePortfolio platform) via the Moodle Submission link. You will be graded on the professional presentation of your profile, and the inclusion of evidence relating to skills, credentials, and achievements.

Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Friday (4 Oct 2024) 5:00 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

Exam Week Friday (18 Oct 2024)


Minimum mark or grade

Assessment Criteria

You will be graded on the professional presentation of your profile, and the inclusion of evidence of skills, credentials, and achievements including, but not limited to:

  • accurate presentation of information (education, skills).
  • professional language and presentation. inclusion of knowledge and skill evidence.

A marking guide/rubric will be provided on the Moodle site.

Referencing Style


Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Develop professional communication skills with patients and colleagues
  • Identify professional practice factors that facilitate quality healthcare in a culturally safe environment

Academic Integrity Statement

As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.

Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.

When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.

Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.

As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.

What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.

Why is academic integrity important?

A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.

Where can I get assistance?

For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.

What can you do to act with integrity?